

March 3
Lecture "On the conditions of the possibilities of the theory of cognition" at the Polish Psychological Association in Warsaw.


Lecture "Is there and how can one demonstrate the objectivity of the external observation?" during the First Polish Philosophy Congress in Lviv.


February 18
Lecture "Aspirations of Phenomenologists" at a Scientific Society meeting in Toruń.
March 26
Lecture "On the Question and Its Relevance" at a Scientific Society meeting in Toruń (2nd version presented at the PPS meeting in Lviv on May 9, 1925).
October 15
Lecture "About classification" at the PPS meeting in Lviv.


December 6
Lecture "Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism" at the PPS meeting.
December 13
Lecture "Issues inherent in the notions of idealism and realism" at the PPS meeting.
October 19
Lecture "On names and function words" at the PPS meeting.


October 26
Lecture "Verbum finitum vs. sentence" at the PPS meeting.


September 7
Lecture "Der logistische Versuch einer Neugestaltung der Philosophie. Eine kritische Bemerkung" at the International Philosophy Congress in Prague (Huitième Congrès International de Philosophie à Prague).


June 8-10
Lecture "Forms of learning about a literary work" at the Scientific Congress of Ignacy Krasicki in Lviv.
December 13
Lecture "Analysis of a conditional sentence" at the meeting of the Poznań Society of Friends of Learning in Poznań.


February 12
Lecture "An individual object and the problem of its identity" for the PPS (Abstract of the lecture: " An individual object and the problem of its identity ", Philosophical Movement, No. 1-3 (1938), pp. 134-136.)
Lecture "Der Mensch and die Zeit" during the International Philosophical Congress in Paris (IX-e Congrès International de Philosophie, Congrès Descartes, Paris).
August 7-11
Lecture "Das ästhetische Erlebnis" at the International Aesthetic Congress in Paris (Il-ème Congres International d'Esthètique et des Sciences de 1'art a Paris).


Lecture "Academic activity of Kazimierz Twardowski" at the PPS meeting in Lviv.
February 14
Speech at Kazimierz Twardowski’s funeral in Lviv.
April 30
Speech in honor of K. Twardowski at the Memorial in Lviv.


July 20
Lecture "The dispute about the existence of the world between idealism and realism" at the meeting of the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow.
October 11
Lecture "On the structure of a picture" at the meeting of the Art History Committee of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow.
October 29
Lecture "On poetics" at the meeting of the Faculty of Philology of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow.


November 15-20
Lecture "Quelques remarques sur la relation de causalité" at the International Philosophy Congress in Rome (Publication: Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia).


March 19
Lecture "From the history of the theory of a literary work. Part 1" at the meeting of the Faculty of Philology of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Krakow.
Lecture "Quelques remarques sur le probleme de la rélativité de valeurs" at the philosophical congress in Paris (III-eme Congres des Societes de Philosophie de langue française, Paris).


March 23
Lecture "Critical remarks on the views of phonologists. Part 1. From the history of 20th century language theory" at the meeting of the Faculty of Philology of the PAAS Linguistics Committee in Krakow.
May 18
Lecture "Critical remarks on the views of phonologists. Part 2" at the meeting of the Faculty of Philology of the PAAS in Krakow.
April 26
Lecture "The issue of case" at the meeting of the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the PAAS in Krakow.
May 16
Lecture "Methodological introduction to the theory of cognition" at the meeting of the Faculty of History and Philosophy in Wroclaw.
Lecture "Les modes d’existence et le probleme «idealisme – realisme»" at the international philosophical congress in Amsterdam (10th International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam).


April 28
Lecture "On word as a component of a specific language" at the meeting of the PAAS Linguistics Committee in Krakow (Publication: "On word as a component of a specific language", Polish language, 29 (1949), pp. 231-232. Reprint of part of item 342).
November 18
Lecture "On conditional judgment" at the meeting of the PAAS Philosophy Committee.


February 27
Lecture "On possibility and conditions of its occurrence in the real world" for the PAAS Philosophy Committee. (Abstract of the lecture: Sprawozdania PAU, No. 2 (1951), pp. 123-127).


February 20
Lecture "From the history of the theory of a literary work. Part 2: Lessing. Laokon." for the Committee of Western European Philology (Abstract of the lecture: Sprawozdania PAU, No. 2 (1952), pp. 92-98)
May 23
Lecture "On the subject of the history of philosophy" for the PAU Philosophy Committee. (Abstract of the lecture: Sprawozdania PAU, No. 5 (1952), pp. 273-279).


September 21
Lecture "Some theorems on causal relation" at the Faculty of Philosophy and Philology in Toruń. (Summary of the lecture: Sprawozdania. Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu, No. 1-4 (1955), pp. 77-82).


September 3-5
Lecture "La valeur esthétique et le problème de son fondement objectif" at the international congress of aesthetics in Italy (Publication: Atti del III Congresso Internazionale di Estetica, Venezia, Torino).
November 2
Lecure "Über den transzendentalen Idealismus bei E. Husserl" at the International Phenomenological Colloquium (11. internationalen phänomenologischen Kolloquiums. Husserl und das Denken der Neuzeit, Krefeid).


April 27
Lecture "Le probléme de la constitution et le sens de la réflexion constitutive chez Edmond Husserl" at the 3rd International Colloquium of Phenomenologists in Royaumont.


September 12-18
Lecture "L’homme et la nature" at the International Philosophical Congress in Italy (Publication: Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia, Venezia).
Lecture "Bemerkungen zum Problem des ästhetischen Werturteils" at the International Aesthetic Symposium in Italy (Publication: II giudizio estetico. Atti del Simposio di Estetica, Venezia, Padova).


April 9
A radio address on the centenary of the birth of Edmund Husserl at the Norddeutscher Rundfunk in Hamburg, via the Polish Radio.
Lecture „L’intuition bergsonienne et le problème phénoménologique de la constitution” na kongresie filozoficznym we Francji (Publikacja: Actes du X-eme Congres des Sociétés de Philosophie de langue française, Congres Bergson, t.1. Paris: Colin 1959).


Lecture "Poetik und Sprachwissenschaft" at the international conference on poetics in Warsaw (Publication: Proceedings of the International Conference on Poetics. Warsaw 1960).
Lecture "Prinzipien einer erkenntniskritischen Betrachtung der ästhetischen Erfahrung" at the International Aesthetic Congress in Athens (Publication: Actes du IV-eme Congres International d’Esthetique, Athens 1960).


Lecture "Nature humaine" at the congress of the Philosophical Society of the French language (Publication: Nature humaine. Actes du XI- eme Congres des Societe’s de Philosophie de langue francaise, Montpellier)


Philosophical Congress in Prague -?


September 2-4
Lecture "Husserls Betrachtungen zur Konstitution des physikalischen Dinges" (Publication: Archives de l’lnstitut International des Sciences Théoretiques, t. 13: La phénomenologie et les sciences de la nature. Colloaue de 1’Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences. 2-4 Septembre 1963. Fribourg Suisse).


Lecture "What we do not know about values" at the PPS meeting in Krakow.
Lecture "Das Problem des Systems der sthetisch relevanten Qualitten” at the international aesthetic congress in Amsterdam (Publication: Actes du V-ème Congres International d’Esthétique, Amsterdam 1964)


March 30
Lecture "Notes on some ontological claims in the book by Kazimierz Twardowski Zur Lehre vom Inhalt und Gegenstand der Vorstellungen" at the the 60th anniversary jubilee meeting of the PPS in Warsaw.
Repetition of the lecture "What we do not know about values" at the Universities in Belgrade and Sarajevo.


Lecture "Die ontischen Fundamente der Verantwortung" at the International Philosophical Congress in Vienna (Publication: Akten des XIV. Internationalen Kongresses für Philosophie, Wien 1968)
April 8
Lecture "On of Edith Stein’s philosophical studies" during a conference in Krakow at the invitation of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła.
September 14
Speech at the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Toruń Gymnasium.
Lecture "Ästhetik und Kunstphilosophie" at the International Philosophical Congress in Vienna (Publication: Akten des XIV. Internationalen Kongresses für Philosophie. Wien 1968)


May 12
Lecture "Artistic functions of language" (part 1) at the PPS Aesthetics Section meeting.
June 9
Lecture "Artistic functions of language" (part 2) at the PPS Aesthetics Section meeting.
Lecture "On phenomenological aesthetics" at the University of Amsterdam.