Letter from Anna Teresa Tymieniecka written 26.02.1969
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Faculty of Arts
Department of Philosophy
February 26, 1969
Professor R. Ingarden
Biskupia 14 M. 15
Krakow, Poland
Dear Professor Ingarden,
You will receive by the same mail the program of the
I count very much on your co-operation since on it depends the success of our Conference.
Thank you for your paper. We shall translate it here.
With warm personal regards,
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka,
Program Chairman
P.S. During your stay in Waterloo you will be our gest. Please let us know early enough the time of your arrival in Toronto so that we can make arrangments of bringing you to Waterloo.
The train will be taken care of. Henk and I would be very happy if Professor would be willing to stay with us in Washington during the time between coming to N. York and the Congress in Waterloo.
3/9/1969, Krakow
Dear Romek!
c I called the Władek household yesterday to tell you about these letters I am sending you and about the telegram, but you weren’t there anymore. I only learned that you had already left – I will be expecting news from you no earlier than on Monday. I suppose this letter will find you in Amsterdam – You didn’t tell me how long you would be staying there – You are probably aware that the visa will be delivered to Hague –
we are doing well.
c Kisses and cordial greetings
c c c c c c c c c Anna