Letter from Bogdan Suchodolski written in 07.10.1945
Dear Roman,
I sent you a card a few days ago with the news that the matter of getting you on the ‘deserving’ list has already been arranged; today I’m writing mainly on the question of Studies [Studia Philosophica]. Well, I don’t think my manuscript could be less than 100 pages, as this part constitutes a certain whole and it makes no sense to divide it. The reader wouldn’t know what to do if he got only half. I don’t know whether this isn’t too much. The next part – also more or less with these dimensions – could go separately in subsequent volumes. It’s an important supplement to the first, but not necessary for the reader.
My remaining problems are as follows: 1) I’ve got the text in a not very neat manuscript, and the corrections I’m making now make it even less legible. There’s no way it can be given to the translator in this form, but I can’t transcribe it, because I don’t have a typewriter. I have someone who could transcribe my scrawls – he did so during the occupation – but this requires payment. Could I get money from you for this purpose? I think about 2,000 zlotys would be needed for this, and possibly more.
2) As for the translation, I’d choose French – it seems to me that this language would be more appropriate for the content, which is of a psychological-moral rather than a philosophical character. The French have a superior vocabulary at their disposal for denoting the diversity of spiritual states. If your candidate is in Warsaw, it will facilitate this matter.
Finally, one more request. Mr Białoń told me that he’d have my books taken to the car, but would like someone to supervise their loading. I therefore attach a blank authorisation with a request for you to recommend someone from among your assistants or students, in order to check in with Mr Białoń and be at his disposal on the unspecified day on which the car will depart for Warsaw and will have to be loaded. This supervision won’t take more than 1–2 hours. After all, it’s a question only of noting the number of packages and handing the sheet to the driver. I’d like him to deliver the books to 21 Promenada (for purposes of orientation: it’s necessary to take ul. Puławska, Dolna, and Konduktorska). I apologise for these problems