Letter from Henryk Mehlberg written in 01.11.1945
c c c Otwock, 1/11/1945
Honoured Professor!
c I thank you very much for your letter and at the same time apologise for the unpleasantness involuntarily caused in connection with the peculiar secrecy of the sender; as of now, this is independent of myself, temporary, and to be justified on the occasion of oral conversation. – The suggestions you’ve put forward suit me completely: participation in the translation of dissertations for Studies [Studia Philosophica], the placement therein of things about Bergson not exceeding one hundred pages of print, and the possibility of my employment in Wrocław. The technical difficulty lies in the fact that I currently have six hours of arduous office work, such that only 3–4 hours a day remain to me for the things about Bergson. If the Wrocław matter came to fruition, I’d quit the office, which is now the only basis of my existence, and then I could presumably, within two months, finish both my own thing and the first translation for Studies (be it your paper, if necessary, or Mr Suchodolski’s dissertation, which I’m going to start on next week). In this connection, I’d ask you when, more or less, the third volume of Studies is supposed to go to press.
With expressions of due esteem,
c c H. Mehlberg
I attach a list of papers. My address is unchanged. Iza’s address is:
Aleksandra Rudecka, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz, ul. Curie-Skłodowskiej.
Akademia Medyczna, Szkoła Pielęgniarek [Academy of Medicine,
School of Nurses].