Letter from Irena Krońska written in 05.01.1966 (1)
c EDITORIAL COMMITTEE c c Warsaw, 1/5/1966
of the Library of Classics of Philosophy c c Miodowa St. 10
c c at
the National Scientific Publishers PWN
prof. Roman Ingarden Krakow
Biskupia St. 14
Dear and Honorable Professor,
c with thanks I confirm the receipt of your letter from 12/31/65 and another, from 1/3/66, received together with the anticipated paper on Husserl. Thank you very very much! I read the paper immediately, it is extremely interesting and instructive and only Professor could have written such a work, it will be a real gem in the second volume of the Dictionary. I will print it without any omissions or changes, except for minor retouches resulting from the general principles of the Dictionary /e.g. I will mention the works at the end, instead the beginning/. There is only one formal matter – all entries include, apart from the list of writings of a given philosopher, a list of select literature on them. Would you be able to prepare such a selection and send it to me /at the latest by January 20/? Until I receive a reply, I will refrain from preparing the contract, because when the literature is supplemented the volume will increase /and the volume of the entries is calculated with accuracy to one line, the fee is PLN 5 per 1 line = 50 characters/.
c I have received a sample copy of the first volume of Studies today, but without a dust jacket. At the same time, I learned that Professor would the list of your writings to be included in the second volume. Perfect. Also, you will get copies – please write me as to how many you would like.
c As for the remuneration for the introduction to Ideas, the highest possible rate for an introduction, after recent raises, is PLN 2700 for 1 sheet /before it was 2400/, and this rate was applied in Professor’s case. Is there any reason to suppose that I would have acted differently in the case of a preface as important as the introduction to Ideas? Opera omnia, on the other hand, is issued on the basis of the old contract, and the old contracts after the raises have only been revised in cases where they were still unimplemented and where the sums were not too large /the publishing house received a small fund from which only 1/3 of those contracts could be revised/.
c By the end of January, I am submitting the second volume of the Dictionary for typesetting, and at the same time I have 2 corrections of the first issue to go through. Still so much work to be done.
Awaiting your gracious reply in the matter
of literature on Husserl
My deepest respect
and cordial greetings
I Kronska
Irena Krońska
P.S. Having carefully read your paper and while I am preparing it for typesetting, there are still a few issues I would like too to clarify:
on page 5 in the middle: I am not familiar with Daubert, unfortunately /is that what the
c c name is? And what is their first name?) – What are Hamburger’s and
c c Clemens’s first names? /we always provide the first letter of the first
c c name of the philosophers we mention/
on page 8: regarding Husserl’s war experiences, I believe he lost his son in the war if I
c c remember correctly. If so, what was his son’s name? Maybe it would be worth adding
c c in parentheses.
c As for the list of Husserl’s writings, when it comes to the more important philosophers, I provide publishing places, so I did so here, to the extent that the relevant information at my disposal allowed me to. But I do not know where Idee einer philosophischen Kultur was published – was it in Japan? and how about “Origin of Geometry”?
c If you currently do not have the time to compile the bibliography /the literature on Husserl/, then maybe I could try to design such a list and Professor could revise it. By the way, when looking at the bibliography in the Ziegenfuss dictionary, I discovered, with considerable amount of surprise, that it mentions my article in Ateneum.
Awaiting your kind response
and sending my thanks again
Deepest respect cordiality
c I Kronska
Irena Krońska
Bibliography for Husserl
Celms, Theodor, Der phenomenologische idelismus Edmund Husserls Riga 1928
Landgrebe Ludwig, Phaenomenologie und Metaphysik, Hamburg 1949
Becker, Oskar, Die Philosophie Edmund Husserls, Kantstudien XXXV 1930
Fink Eugen, Die XXX Philosphie Edmund Husserls, in der XXX, Kantstudien XXXVIII 1933
Farber Marvin, The Foundation of Phenomenology, Edmund Husserl and the Quest for a c Rigorous Science of Philosophy, Cambridge, 1943, II 1969
Osborn, Andrew, D, The Philosophy of Edmund Husserl in Its Development from His c c Mathematical Interests to His First Concept of Phenomenology in c c c c c c c Logical Investigations, New York, 1934
Lauer Quentin, Phénoménologie de Husserl, Paris 1955
Merlan Philip, Time consciousness in Husserl and Heidegger, XXX, VIII, 1947
Spiegelberg, Herbert, Phenomenological movement, 2 volumes/ vol I. 1960, II 1964,
Cairns, Dorian, The Philosophy of Edmund Husserl, XXX Harvard University, 1933
Ingarden, XXX XXX XXX
Eley, Lothar, Husserl Bibliographie, 1945-1959, Zeitschrift f. Philos. Forsch. XIII (1959)
Idee einer XXX XXX, XXX deutsche XXX f. wissen XXX in XXX (1923?)