Letter from Irena Krońska written in 14.12.1964
National Scientific Publishers
PWN Warsaw Miodowa St. 10 tel. 26-22-91
c 16/108
Warsaw, 12/14/1964.
Prof. Roman Ingarden
Biskupia St. 14
c Honorable Professor,
c National Scientific Publishers PWN kindly inform that we intend to proceed with printing the next edition of Professor’s book entitled Studies in Aesthetics, vol. I and II under the conditions specified in the publishing agreement concluded on August 13, 1965.
c Pursuant to the provisions of this agreement, the royalties for a basic edition of 3,000 copies will amount to PLN 1 920 – per 1 author’s sheet, which represents 80% of the basic salary, set at 2400. – per aut. sheet
c The royalties calculated on the assumption of the volume of work being 63 author’s sheets shall be paid as follows:
c a / 40% within one month of the date of this letter,
c b / 60% within one month of the date of the first distribution of the book.
c In addition to the monetary remuneration, you shall receive 10 copies of your work.
National Scientific
c Publishers PWN
c c I Krońska XXX