Letter from Irena Krońska written in 22.10.1960
c EDITORIAL COMMITTEE c Warsaw, October 22,1960
of the Library of Classics of Philosophy
c c at
the National Scientific Publishers PWN
prof. Roman Ingarden
c c K r a k o w
c Biskupia St. 14
c Honorable Professor,
c the matter this letter is devoted to is urgent, because the first volume of the Controversy has already been printed. Namely I have to ask Professor for permission to shorten the preface to the second edition, i.e. to leave out the opinion paragraphs. There are no substantive statements in those, they are very subjective and not justified for every reader, they would not be helpful in introducing the book into the world – rather harmful in this regard. I believe that Professor, if you were writing this preface today and not two years ago, would not introduce accents that are not tuned in to the whole work, where objectivity is one of the virtues.
c I was trying to call Professor to discuss this matter yesterday evening and this morning, but the number did not answer. Therefore, I am sending this letter today. – I just I got a connection with Krakow and I talked with Mrs. Professor, I also learned from her that Professor is in Łódź. I asked her, and I repeat this request in my letter, that Professor writes me or call me immediately upon receiving this letter. I attach a typescript of the preface in the shortened form I would like to print. I urge you to please reply quickly – the first sheet of the book may be printed at the end, but I would like to send the confirmed text to Krakow this Monday or Tuesday.
My deepest respect
and kind regards.
c I Kronska
Irena Krońska
P.S. As for Locke’s essay, I bought it /the only available copy/ and am sending it to Krakow today, directly to Professor, along with the invoice. I will bring the rest along if I go to Krakow or send it by post.