Letter from Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz written 17.11.1949
Poznań 17/11/49.
Dear Roman!
Thank you for your letter of 16/11. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’d be difficult for me to leave Poznań before the Christmas holiday break. Therefore I’ve decided not to give the lecture before the holidays, but to come specially for the lecture in the second half of January. I would also like the lecture to I’d also like to have a lecture at the Academy, since, as a member, I’m obliged to present myself there at least once. The title of my lecture might be: ‘Laws of Logic in Languages which Include Terms with Non-Literal Meanings’.
If lectures of similar content are being given at the Department, I’d like to give it there. Should I write to Heinrich on this matter, or would you be so good as to arrange it for me? The date, within the period of time from 15 to 30 January, is something you’ll want to set yourselves.
I’ll be in Zakopane more or less between 23 and 28 December, so maybe we’ll see each other there.
I attach cordial greetings