
Letter from Kazimierz Twardowski written 28.08.1921

Lviv, ul. św. Mikołaja [St Nicholas], 4.                                             In Lviv, 28/8/1921.


                       Honoured Doctor!

            When Prof. Witwicki was in Lviv a few days ago, I asked him for your Toruń address ‒ it was actually then that the new issue of Philosophical Movement was sent out. Prof. Witwicki didn’t know your address, so Movement went out to your Warsaw address. Today your card addressed to the Administration of Philosophical Movement arrived, and along with it your letter to me. Thus, if you don’t receive the issue of Movement sent to Warsaw, I’ll have another copy sent to you.

            In replying to your letter, for which I cordially thank you, I’ll start with the nostrification issue. Well, in order to obtain it, a formal application must be filed with the Council of the philosophical department of Jan Kazimierz [John Casimir] University in Lviv, with a brief request to carry out nostrification. This application must be accompanied by a short curriculum vitae et studiorum [course of life and studies] and the original doctoral diploma (because the nostrification clause is placed on it) ‒ additionally, assuming the diploma doesn’t list the subjects in which you passed a rigorosum [oral exam], an official letter of the philosophical faculty from which you obtained your diploma stating the subjects in which you passed a rigorosum, and, finally, one copy of your dissertation. Insofar as the conditions for obtaining a doctorate abroad correspond more or less to local conditions, i.e. insofar as the doctorate was not obtained on the basis of an exam in fewer subjects than are applicable here, nostrification is granted without any examinations. Insofar as it is otherwise, the relevant doctoral exams must be supplemented here.

            I was very happy at the news that your dissertation will soon come out in print. Could you perhaps write a brief summary for Philosophical Movement? Of one page at the most? I’d gladly find a place for it. Or perhaps I could also ask you for a report on Volume IV of the Yearbooks, and subsequently on Volume V? If you were to write a report on Volume V, a separate summary of the dissertation wouldn’t be necessary. However, these reports would have to be shorter than your previous report on Volume III ‒ I’m forced to make this request on one hand by the rising cost of printing, on the other by the growing volume of material accumulating in the editorial portfolio.

            Will you permit me to place a brief mention in Movement concerning your translation of Windelband’s Lehrbuch der Gesch. der Philosophie [Textbook of the History of Philosophy]? I’d like to post news about translations into Polish which are currently in progress as a regular feature in Movement, so as to avoid so-called Doppelübersetzungen [double translations].

            Finally, I hereby inform you that at last Bergson’s dissertation La perception du changement [The Perception of Change] is being transcribed ‒ should I send you a copy?

            I wish the best for you in Toruń, above all, that your hopes and intentions regarding quiet academic work may come true. I’m very happy that you nurse a steadfast intention to settle in Lviv again – but here, too, the issue of housing is thwarting many plans of this kind!

                       I enclose cordial regards

                                                                                                    Dr K. Twardowski