Letter from Roman Ingarden to Professor ? (Maria Gołaszewska) 24.05.1967
Roman Ingarden
Cracow, Biskupia 14 n Cracow, 24 May 1967
n Most Honourable Professor,
n I have just received a visit from Ms Maria Gołaszewska (a habilitated docent at the faculty of philosophy, Jagiellonian Universityn), who would very much like to travel to Paris for a few months for studies in the field of aesthetics, but who cannot count on a scholarship from the Ministry. It occurred to me that the Polish Academy of Learning sponsors some French scholarships. However, I am not informed as to who may receive them and what the procedure for applying for them entails. Thus I would be exceedingly grateful to you for graciously informing me whether there are any such possibilities at all and in what manner Ms Gołaszewska should proceed to begin qualifying for a scholarship.
n I have taken the liberty of sending an offprint.
n Professor Markiewicz told me some time ago that my idea to publish translations of Polish works of aesthetics concerning literature theory has some chance of realisation. I am very happy about this and I thank you for your wish to support me in this matter.
n I attach expressions of sincere respect and cordial greetings
n n n (Roman Ingarden)