
Letter from Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz written 12.01.1938

12.I 1938
Honoured and Dear Professor:
Thank you very much for the card, which calmed me about the fate of my “abridged” text. I did not get the first one. I had a paper the day before yesterday in the Philo[sophical]  Soc[iety], entitled “On the strange deviations of the human mind.” In general, it was about the type of diversification-unification, which I called Protagoras, with the examples of: Carnap, Russell, Eddington. It was quite fun. A pair – a few of the moguls were there and a discussion [followed]. I used for the discussion a small thermo-s with black coffee – a great idea. Now I’m moving on to Carnap. As if you can get Ajd[ukiewicz]’s thing about language and cognition (Cornelius complains about this and is surprised that such a “feiner Kopf” [“smart mind” tr. German], etc.). I am staying here until the end of January, then I am going to Z[akopane]. The financial situation has improved. I have received an allowance from Cund of Fulture [sic]. 2 companies refused unwashed souls. This is everything.
ERFB [I enclose words of respect and friendship for you both] FG [family greetings] 3W [Your faithful Witkacy]
Thank you very much for everything. I am begging you to stop smoking. This is an illusion, an inability to work. I tried the pipe, but I started to inhale and 2 weeks ago I kicked it. I am enclosing a letter from Szumcio with a request to send it back.