Letter from Stefan Żółkiewski written in 17.01.1966
First Department of Social Sciences
Warsaw, Palace of Culture and Science
WI/030/2/66 v v v Warsaw, 17/1/1966
v Honoured Professor,
v I politely request the nomination of candidates for foreign members of the Polish Academy of Sciences, to be presented by the Department to the General Assembly in May this year with the aim of conducting an election. The proposed candidatures should be suitably justified in writing and signed by at least three colleagues from the Department.
v An extensive report attached to the application should discuss the complete scientific activity of the candidate, as well as its relationship to Polish science.
v I would like to mention that the Department already possesses the following nominations, sent previously:
Claude Backvis (Belgium), Slavicist
Giorgi Tsereteli (USSR), philologist and Arabist
Suniti Kumar Chatterji (India), linguist
Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis (USSR), economist
Stanislav Gustavovich Strumilin (USSR), economist
v At the same time, I request submission of proposals presenting candidates for full membership in the Polish Academy of Sciences from among the correspondents to date.
v Please kindly send proposals of both types, along with justifications, by 15 February 1966.
I enclose expressions of respect
Secretary, First Department,
Polish Academy of Sciences
v S Żółkiewski
(Prof. Dr Stefan Żółkiewski)