Letter from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 06.11.1966
Warsaw 6.11.66
Dear Roman, Thank you very much for your Parisian letter of 30.10, which I received yesterday. I returned to Warsaw 4 days ago. The 3 weeks in Italy were extremely pleasant, the weather was hot, the Italians hospitable; we saw many beautiful things and nice people; I had two lectures; I liked Rome better this time than ever before; I also liked Turin, which I visited for the first time. The Congress in Liège was socially pleasant, in a congenial, well-known group; the Committee mainly occupied itself with the Uppsala Congress in 1968; the plan put forward by Munro for an international Association of Aestheticians failed to win many enthusiasts. It was best at Maastricht, where six of us prepared a specific plan, ‘Corpus Theoriae Artis’; maybe something will come of that. Unfortunately, the weather in Belgium was rainy; following the Italian heat, the change affected me badly; I caught cold and returned, not in particularly good shape, to Poland.
Here I found the issue of habilitation for Ms Iza: I wrote as fervently as I knew how. – I haven’t seen Morawski yet, but have spoken with him over the phone: Ms Wójcik’s paper is on his desk, but he hasn’t begun to read it yet. With me it’s similar: time and again I open the typed manuscript, at the sight of 447 pages I’m seized with terror ‒ and I put it aside. It has to be done, since you so wish it, but it represents weeks of work, and meanwhile assorted other issues await my return. Among others, I have to transcribe the Italian lectures; as of December there will be corrections to Volume III of History of Aesthetics. I’m promising myself to finally begin Volume IV, for which I’ve got so much material, but something keeps getting in the way.
The philosophical award of the First Division of the Polish Academy of Sciences was given the day before yesterday to Mr Czartoryski. The Commission’s conclusion foresaw a shared award, but the lawyers proved that the regulations don’t provide for sharing.
I was in the ‘Husserl Archives’ a few years ago. If you don’t mind, give van Breda my compliments. Is the very agreeable Boehm still working there?
The international Congress of Critics was held over the past few days in Warsaw; I didn’t go, those who did, didn’t praise it. Next week is the big conference on Sienkiewicz. In the field of philosophy: in the middle of the month, Soviet aestheticians are expected here, but so far there’s been no confirmation of their arrival.
A cordial handshake