Letter to Irena Krońska written in 29.10.1954
Krakow, 29 October 1954
Dear Ms. Irena,
v Thank you very much for your letter and for reading my “Introduction” to “Criticism,” as well as for the information on your views on Marxist causality. I am very well aware how overloaded you are with work, so of course I am rather grateful for your relatively quick response to my letter.
v I am glad that you basically like my “From the translator”. As pertaining to the changes you propose, I can only see one difficulty; that this kind of “introduction” should be short /otherwise nobody will read it/, and if I were to go into the history of Kantianism in the nineteenth century it would grow to be much more extensive. But I will try to overcome this problem. In any case, it seems to me that I will have to get it over with in just a few sentences.
v I have looked through the text and found, in addition to the blue pencil marks, a series of – so to say – crosses in black pencil. They are incomprehensible to me; I do not know whether they mark any questionable places or have yet another meaning. They usually appear in the middle of a sentence. If it pertains to something substantive, I would like you to kindly let me know. Perhaps next week I will be able to get down to introducing the changes I mentioned and considering your suggestions.
v Thank you v. much for the information on the bibliography on causality, I will gladly use it, I expect that I will find the relevant literature among it. The lecture on the laws in physics has just been published in “Philosophical Thought”, I heard in Spala. I was by no means awed by it, there was especially nothing of significance pertaining to the matter of causation. I even told the author about it immediately after hearing the lecture. Maybe the paper contains something more. The author’s final thesis seemed probable to me, but its exploration was too general and ambiguous.
v I have already sent over 100 galley proofs of correction to Dąmbska. I would suggest minor changes in some places. I am still reading through this proof. I had the most to complain about in the Preface, you can tell the translator has not yet gotten into her job.
v As for the paper on translations, I only have a photocopy at home, I will try to send it to you in the coming few days and I will be grateful for your comments, as it seems that it will go to print, if, of course, that does not change at the last minute as per usual.
v Have you met Mr. Mikel Dufrenne in Paris? I would like to know who that is. I am reading his Phénoménologie de l’experience esthétique and I have found a lot of traces of Das literarische Kunstwerk. The book is well written though.
I send you my heartfelt greetings and wishes
for a quick 100% recovery of your leg. You must still
be careful with it for a while, so that some setback
does not fall upon you.