Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 14.01.1925
Toruń, 14/1/1925
Most Honourable Professor!
Only today am I able to respond to your letter, which I received on the 10th of this month. Thus I wish to write back first of all in order to thank you most cordially for your gracious intervention with the School Board on my behalf. I’m deeply obliged to you for this, because the fact that I’ll able to obtain a position in Lviv sets my relocation there on a solid foundation. As soon as I receive the appointment, I’ll take the steps to get a flat.
It will probably end up with ‒ assuming the local Board releases me ‒ my showing up in Lviv during the current school year ‒ alone, for the time being, so as to begin the search for a flat on the spot. Only then will I start moving my family, assuming my search is successful.
I’m also very happy that the matter of my act of habilitation will be settled in the coming days. Thus my last letter, written practically simultaneously with yours, is now redundant. I have the impression that the second part as well ‒ i.e. regarding the application for a scholarship for a trip abroad – has also become redundant, since, in view of the fact that the Board is supposed to appoint me as a teacher in Lviv, I doubt that it would agree to grant me leave for such a trip. In any case, I could well understand the Board’s opposition. But in spite of this, I intend to apply to the Ministry for a scholarship – I’m too hungry for a new spiritual atmosphere. If it doesn’t come off – too bad. I’d just be very grateful if you’d graciously keep my intentions regarding the scholarship and the study trip to yourself.
As for the review of Mysłakowski’s dissertation on Bergson, I’ll do it gladly, as I’ve already read this piece, whereas, in the article on philosophical journals, it’s difficult for me to deal with individual articles in greater detail. I intend to write that article within the next few days, and then I’ll immediately write the review for [Philosophical] Movement.
In sending my fervent thanks once again, I enclose expressions of the most profound esteem
Roman Ingarden
In Warsaw, I was told that Kazik Ajdukiewicz’s case is on the road to success, which I’m very happy about.