
Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 16.08.1929

Grudziądz, ul. Lipowa 12-2
State Seminarium, 16/8/29



Most Honourable Professor!

                       Thank you kindly for your letter of the 7th of this month, which my wife forwarded to me here.

                       First of all, please accept my expressions of heartfelt sympathy at the death of the late Mrs Bronisław Ajdukiewiczowa[O1] . We’ve all been aware for a long time that this outcome was possible, and yet the news of it shook me to the core.

                       Thank you as well for graciously sending me wishes for my name day, testifying vividly to your gracious remembrance of me.

                       I was pleased at the news that the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Education responded favourably to the initiative adopted by the Philosophical Society to send a delegation to the upcoming Philosophical Congress in Oxford. Immediately after my return to Lviv ‒ which will be 3 September at the latest ‒ I’ll take care of obtaining the necessary information regarding travel costs. Given this opportunity, I’m taking the liberty of raising the following issues: as far as I remember, the Department of the Society was inclined to the view that it would keep the organisation of the Polish delegation to the Congress in its own hands, while communicating with other philosophical organisations. Since the preparation of a paper for the Congress requires a great deal of time and it would be important for prospective delegates to proceed to this work as soon as possible, the question has occurred to me as to whether you wouldn’t consider it advisable to communicate now with other Philosophical Societies regarding whom they’d propose as their future delegates. This would seem to me beneficial in that, at the next meeting of the Department, we’d have the wishes of other Societies at hand, and could, for our part, make a decision, so that, when writing the Ministry about the cost estimate, it’d already be possible to submit the delegates’ names, and, at the same time, our wishes concerning the minimal number of delegates. Admittedly, the departments of other societies won’t be convened over the holidays, but the thing would always be prepared and thus perhaps expedited. I don’t know whether my idea is apt or whether it can be implemented; accordingly, I’m taking the liberty of submitting it in the form of a question only for you to take into your gracious consideration.

                       I’m in Grudziądz, lecturing for three hours a day, but still have a bit of free time for my own work.

                       Wishing you the best possible rest, I ask you kindly to accept my expressions of profound esteem and respect

                                                                                                               Roman Ingarden



[O1]Chyba Magdalena Gärtner Ajdukiewicz – wife of Bronisław Ajdukiewicz and mother of Kazimierz