Letter to Stefan Morawski written 21.11.1964
Prof. Roman Ingarden
Krakow, Biskupia 14 n n n Krakow, 11/21/1964
n Dear Professor,
n n n n due to the fact that you did not agree /according to the information given to me by Mrs. Gołaszewska/ to publish the full version of my Amsterdam paper /it amounts to 38 pages of typescript/, I should not be contributing any text to the volume of the journal you are editing, as mentioned in my last letter. However, if you are keen on to publishing something from my paper, I can agree to the print of the Polish translation of the s u m m a r y of my paper /which would have to be published as a summary/, which was delivered to the listeners just before my address. I am attaching this summary, which I have written, to this letter. However, I have to stipulate, that the full text will be published elsewhere.
n Let me note that a similar situation has occured before, where an editor of Aesthetics did not want to agree to the xxx publication of the full text of my paper presented in Athens /about which later one of the reporters wrote that it was the culmination of the congress, and Mr. Wojnar did not even mention its title in his report given in French /, because he was of the opinion that only summaries could be printed. I succumbed to this request, only to later find out that some of the other lectures given in Athens had been published in the same volume of Aesthetics in full /20 pages/.
/Roman Ingarden /