Letter to Stefan Żółkiewski written in 17.05.1966
Prof. Roman Ingarden
Cracow, Biskupia 14 Cracow, 17 May 1966
Prof. Dr Stefan Żółkiewski
Secretary, First Department, Polish Academy of Sciences
Most Honoured Professor,
in response to your letter WI 30 M/66, I hereby politely inform you that I intend to take part in the ceremonial Session of the Polish Academy of Sciences in connection with the Millennium of the Polish State in Cracow on 23 and 24 November of this year, provided that I’m in Poland at that time. I intend to travel to Paris in the autumn to finish some of my papers and will be able to return only when I complete this task (provided money is sufficient). In any case, because I live in Cracow, there is no need to order a hotel room, etc., for me.
I enclose expressions of genuine esteem
v (Roman Ingarden, senior)