Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 17.08.1952
The Editorial Committee of the LCP c c c Krakow, 8/17/1952
at Polish Scientific Publishers PWN
Department: German philosophy
c L 41/52
To The Editorial Committee of the LCP at Polish Scientific Publishers PWN
Warsaw, Foksal St. 17
v I would like to confirm the receipt of the letter L.DZ. 2269/BKF/52 dated 8/13/1952, as well as a copy of Wartenberg’s translation of the “Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals”. Herewith I am attaching 57 pages of the text of the said translation with final revisions: two tissue paper copies, copy A is the model for all others. I shall keep the copy on white paper for now, because I will need it to make the index. I will send the rest of the translation within a week, and then start working on the index.
v I would be glad if the proofreader could save my time in the future by not proposing unnecessary changes and controlling the proposed changes by comparing them with the text of the German source.
My sincere respect