Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 21.08.1952 A
The Committee of the Library v v v v v Krakow, 8/21/1952
v of Classics of Philosophy
at Polish Scientific Publishers PWN
Department: German philosophy
v L 44/52
To the Editorial Committee of the LCP
at Polish Scientific Publishers PWN
WARSAW, Foksal 17.
I would like to confirm, with thanks, the receipt of the letter L dz. 233/BKF and return the specification of Kant signed by me /although I am not convinced that the Committee has rightly asked me to sign it under the heading “responsible editor” / and at the same time I report that I will ask the Gdansk Library if they have the original first edition of “Zur Grundlegung der Metaphysik der Sitten”. As for Kant’s portrait, we could use the one prof. Tatarkiewicz has included in his History of Philosophy / with his permission, and the permission of Czytelnik Publishing who must have it on film. I will try to find out, however, if there are any other images of Kant in Poland /maybe in Gdańsk?/. I will let you know the results of my efforts.
My deepest respect
/prof. Ingarden/