Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 29.01.1953
Prof. R. Ingarden c c Krakow, 1/29/1953
c The Editorial Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy
c at Polish Scientific Publishers PWN
c in WARSAW, Krakowskie Przedmieście St. 79.
Dear Madam,
c c c Thank you for returning my typescript, as well as for sending me the Kant-Wartenberg reviewed correction sheets with. Thank you that you are still devoting your time to this translation.
c c c I just finished looking through the corrections you suggested. I have accepted some of them, others I had to either reject or propose another arrangement after comparing them with the source. The relevant pages I introduced changes to can be found attached herewith. In accordance with your suggestion, I have added one note, but I think that this can only be included if the revise version has not yet been typeset. If that has already happened, it might be better to leave the entire note out, or leave it as it is. We shouldn’t add too much to the costs of the correction.
c c c I am glad that you will be able to rest a bit and wish you a good holiday – good weather and peace.
c c c c c c Cordial greetings
I am working on Spinoza’s ethics. Unfortunately, it is going very slowly:
one page takes two hours, and I have at the same time to continue translating
Kant, and I still have some obligations towards the former
Library of the Classics of Philosophy at the PAAS.