Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 17.09.1956
Rkp 1529
Cracow[O1] , 17/9/56
Dear Władysław!
I’m writing just in case I don’t find you in the hotel.
I was at the Embassy this morning, and told Ms Krachmalewska[O2] (nota bene via the phone, from downstairs) that I’m also asking for a letter for you – from the library! After more than an hour of waiting, however, I received only a letter[O3] for me, whereas nothing was brought for you. Therefore you’ll have to go to the Embassy yourself tomorrow. I waited so long that I had to hurry to my meeting with Wędkiewicz, thanks to which I wasn’t at the Bibliotheque Nationale at all today. I’ll go only tomorrow morning, as a result of which I probably won’t get to the cafe by ½ 10, because it’d be too late to start work in the Library. I’ll take the cards with these titles and order them the next day for you. Assuming we don’t see each other today, apologise to Hanuszewska[O4] for me for not coming tomorrow. As of today I’m staying in a better, and, strangely, cheaper room (No. 22)!
Greetings, and maybe we’ll see each other tomorrow
/signature/ Your Roman
[O1]Treść listu sugeruje, że Ingarden jest gdzie indziej, np. Paryż
[O2]Tak w oryginalnej wersji, ale być może Krochmalewska [?]
[O3]Niejasne jakie jest pismo – może powinna być document [?]
[O4]Podświetlona w oryginalnej wersji