Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 18.06.1960
Rkp 1529
Rabka, 18/6/60
Dear Władysław,
I’m guessing that you’re already in Warsaw, so I’m writing to the Warsaw address. Besides, Minkowski wrote to me, mentioning that you’d been to see him.
Thank you for the card from France; I’m glad you had a beautiful trip and that it was to your liking. I hope that your subsequent stay in Brussels was positive.
As for me, so far the question of my trip to Athens has been held up by the Polish Academy of Sciences. The Secretary of the First Department took a positive approach and put it into motion such that I submitted an official application, but citizen Szulkin from the Foreign Travel Committee decided negatively, allegedly because the delegation to the Congress in Athens had already been established. I’m now trying to arrange the matter of my passport through the M.O. [O1] in Cracow, but at the moment it’s running into trouble and is extremely tedious.
I asked the Academy only to obtain a passport, whereas I wanted to cover the costs with my own money (from Jurek, may he rest in peace, in English pounds). Nevertheless, the answer was negative. The fact that I’m an actual member of the Polish Academy of Sciences hasn’t improved my situation in this institution in any way.
The matter of Ms Suchorzewska’s habilitation has moved forward to the point that she was admitted (by majority vote) to the habilitation Colloquium. I asked the Dean, Prof. Bochnak, to schedule this colloquium for 23 June, when you’ll be in Cracow. But so far, there hasn’t been any paper regarding this meeting.
I’ll be here for a few more days; I came to rest a bit, but had to interrupt my stay to apply for a passport at the Ministry of Education Voivodeship Committee in Cracow, which in any case didn’t go through, because it turned out that the French invitation had to be translated into Polish. Thus several hours of waiting at the Ministry of Education has resulted in nothing as yet. I’m now waiting for the translation, which is supposed to be ready in five days.
I’m coming back to Cracow, probably on the 22nd; in any case I’ll be there on the 23rd, so we’ll see each other.
Cordial greetings and best regards to your wife
/signature/ Your Roman
[O1]Ministerstwo Oświaty (Ministry of Education) [???]