Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 29.10.1969
Roman Ingarden
Cracow, Biskupia 14
Cracow, 29/10/69
Dear Władysław,
I was greatly saddened by the poor state of your health and I exceedingly regret that you won’t be able to attend the General Assembly of the Aesthetics Section of the Polish Philosophical Society and deliver the lecture I asked you for. I expected that your arthritic complaints would soon pass and that you’d be able to resume your former activity in the lecture arena. At the moment, though, it’s a question of a certain formal matter, namely, if you would be good enough to write to me formally as a member and as vice-president of the Board of the Aesthetic Section that you agree to the convening of the General Meeting at the time specified in the invitation. I spoke with you when we saw each other at the meeting of the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy and you had nothing against it; it was only a question of whether you would be able to come. For me, though, it depends on written evidence of your consent. In this matter, I, personally, didn’t want to convene a meeting of the Section Board on the assumption that it could be done so that the Warsaw members of the Board would come and the matter of obtaining consent could be quickly arranged here. I’d be grateful to you, then, if you wouldn’t mind writing in return an express letter, agreeing to convene the General Assembly. If I don’t receive such a statement now from all Warsaw members of the Board, we’ll have to postpone the General Assembly set for 17 November of this year. A meeting like this must be held in view of formal considerations. I have postponed it several times due to the difficulties connected with travelling experienced by Section members living outside Cracow.
Cordial greetings and I wish you a swift improvement in the state of your health