Library of Classics of Philosophy project of publishing instructions written n/d
v The instruction assumes that the Library of Classics of Philosophy is primarily intended for those working in the field of philosophy or preparing for such work, and is not a popular literature publishing house, so it shall not be burdened with information needed only for popularization purposes. Its activity shall not, however – as was in the case of “Translations of the Classics of Philosophy” by P.A.L. – be only limited to translations. It shall also entail a historical introduction, a subject index, a glossary of terms, explanations and a thorough list of contents.
v 1. Each volume of the publication shall contain A HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION. However, this introduction will only include facts about the translated work; when it was written, by whom, under what conditions, for what purpose, etc. It will not cover the author’s full biography, but only the data needed to understand a given work. The same amount of space will be dedicated to information on other works of the author. The exception would be less widely known authors, where the introduction and biography of the author would have to be more extensive and replace the non-existent or difficult to obtain subject literature. The introduction shall also explain what edition or manuscript the translation was based on. It shall also highlight particular difficulties encountered in the course of translation.
v 2. Each volume should contain a SUBJECT INDEX. Alternatively, also a NAME INDEX.
v 3. Each volume should contain a GLOSSARY OF TERMS explaining which original terms correspond with which translated terms. This glossary can be included in the subject index.
v 4. Each volume shall contain EXPLANATIONS. However, only those that would be needed by more advanced readers, who are the publishing house’s primary target audience. These explanations can be split into to two categories, based on their purpose, which can be: 1. to mark places of the text that can be understood in various ways / not uncommon in ancient texts /, 2. to explain outdated expressions, names and facts mentioned in the text, but forgotten today and meaningless to most readers. However, it has been deemed unnecessary to 1. explain philosophical and other expressions that remain in use, 2. comment on the text / unless there is a clear divergence between commentators / and 3. highlight the views of the text the translator does not agree with, which are irrelevant, incorrect, outdated, debunked by further development of thought. The reason such explanations and critical remarks shall be omitted is because their character does not correspond with the character of the Library, they would unnecessarily increase its size, lead to repetition, bring the translator and commentator to the forefront, while the person standing in it should be the author of the translated work.
v 5. Each volume shall contain a table of CONTENTS and a detailed list of what they entail, more detailed than what most classics have been hitherto providing. This fragmented list of contents may be given before or after the text as well as on the margins of the translation as headings for respective paragraphs. It must be carried out uniformly in all published volumes.
v 6. This instruction also applies to re-editions of Polish philosophical works, with the exception of dictionaries. Volumes devoted to Polish philosophy shall constitute a separate SERIES. The second series, i.e. the series of translations, would consist of all other volumes.
v 7. The appropriate LIBRARY format shall be an octavo / 24×16 cm. “Translations of P.A.L. Classics” were recently published in this format, however the print was too dense, hence interlining would be desirable.
v 8. The Editorial Board of the Library will issue instructions for translators on how to deal with questionable language matters, such as how to write foreign names and what language to give foreign names in.
/ – / W. Tatarkiewicz
Terminology! for XXX