Postcard from Edmund Husserl written 16.06.1924
16.VI. 24 [Postmark]
Dear Doctor,
I am very happy about your positive reports and I hope to be able to soon welcome you as a colleague. The final piece of your habilitation work has been forwarded to Drs. Becker and Kaufmann for an editorial review: I ask that the corrections be completed diligently (possibly with the help of a colleague from Toruń). In Freiburg, we only read the last correction and focus on the intended meaning.
Have I already told you how delighted my wife and I were about the magnificent picture of your sons? They are very cute and handsome. When will you finally come to Fr[eiburg]?
It is painful to me that I am unable to adequately answer your kind and substantial letters. How much more difficult has my life become since the time you studied in Freiburg. I can barely fulfill my duties. I am hoping to soon send you a l[imited] e[dition] issue of my Kant speech (K[ant] and the Idea of Tr[anscendental] Philosophy).19 It should be printed soon. I very much wish to maintain a level of continuity with you, and there is only one way: for you to visit me. Please send my warmest regards to Professor Tward[owski]. I strongly believe that you will get along well with him. After all, you are an academic grandson of Brentanos and he is a direct student and probably not so orthodox that he would be unable to understand our continuative motives. My wife sends her regards! We think of you often and remember our long-lasting friendship. Best regards to your wife.
Cordially yours,
E. Husserl