Postcard from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 24.10.1933
Most Honoured Colleague, I’ve already sent the typed manuscript of your dissertation to press, having made, on my own, inter alia, the same deletions that later reached you. In accordance with your wish, I added a more extensive footnote on p. 24; however, I didn’t add the last sentence; if you consider it absolutely necessary, you’ll be able to add it at the proof stage.
As for offprints, we usually provide 25 copies with no charge, but sometimes, at the author’s request, increase this number. We can do that in this case as well. At present, it’s indeed difficult for us to think about an Ergänzungsband [German: supplement]. With bookstores, too, the situation is unfavourable: it’s difficult to persuade them to take publications. The only thing that comes to mind is the possibility of talking to the editor of Music, who’s anything but lazy, Mr Mateusz Gliński (Kapucyńska 13); you can write to him, and for my part I’ll talk to him about your project.
I enclose expressions of respect and a handshake
n n n n n n n Wtatarkiewicz
Dr Roman Ingarden
ul. Jabłonowskich 4