Postcard to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 24.06.1952
Rkp 1529
Cracow, 24/6/52
Dear Mr Władysław!
It turns out that I won’t be able to come to Polanica, because I still have a great deal to do in connection with the translation of Kant, 6 arkuszy [O1] of which I have to hand in on the 30th of this month. The meeting of the Library of Classics Committee is supposed to be 1 July, so probably we’ll only see each other there. I’ll come to Warsaw on the 1st. Czeżowski’s reading was only yesterday, since 21/6 was the general assembly of the Psychological Soc. at which T. Milewski spoke about the psychology of speech. Therefore, we invited Czeżowski only for 23/6. It was, as it turned out, the 46th meeting of the Commission. I wasn’t delighted with the lecture. However, there were a good many people and a fairly lively discussion. Thank you for the information about Grégoire. Mainly I wanted to know if he knew Polish and where he obtained the information given in his article; in any case, he’s undoubtedly intelligent, and also clearly inspired. – I greatly regret that we won’t see each other in Polanica, but unfortunately I have to keep to the deadline.
I attach cordial greetings and expressions of profound esteem
/signature/ Roman Ingarden
The Honourable
Prof. Dr Władysław Tatarkiewicz[O2]
Sanatorium 2.
[O1]Notatka będzie potrzebna
[O2]oryg: Tatrkiewicz