Protocol from the meeting of the PPS Board 12.05.1957
Protocol No. 5/N
from the meeting of the PPS Board on 12 May 1957
Present: Profs. T. Kotarbiński, K. Ajdukiewicz, S. Ossowski, T. Czeżowski, A. Schaff, E. Adler, S. Nowakowski, M. Dobrosielski
1. Issues concerning preparations for the International Congress of Philosophers
2. Consideration of resolutions of the PPS General Assembly
3. Issues of the Sociological and Logic Section
4. Other business
Item 1. Prof. Adler submitted a report on the state of preparations for ‘Entretien’ in Warsaw, in particular regarding the personal composition of individual delegations, programme, financial issues, and planned publications. The report was adopted. It was decided to address the issue of publications at the meeting of the MIF. Board with the goal of obtaining subsidies from UNESCO.
Item 2. a) The issue of Philosophical Movement. Following a long discussion, it was decided to resume publication of Philosophical Movement. The financial plan for the current year, presented by Prof. Czeżowski, was accepted. Prof. Czeżowski was authorised to initiate work of an editorial and organisational nature associated with this publication. The PPS Board will serve as the temporary editorial committee. Prof. Czeżowski was asked to prepare concrete proposals regarding Philosophical Movement by September of the current year.
b) Informational Bulletin. In connection with the decision to resume publication of Philosophical Movement, it was decided to abandon publication of the PPS Informational Bulletin.
c) In accordance with the request of the Wrocław delegation, it was decided to appeal to the Society’s Branch to take account of moral issues in the Branch’s plans.
d) The request of the Poznań delegation regarding the appointment of directorial positions at the Institute of Philosophy of the Polish Academy of Sciences was presented to the Directorate of the Institute.
e) The request of the Toruń delegation regarding the standardisation of principles governing fees for lectures was accepted; it was established that papers by PPS members given in their home Branches would not be covered in this way. Only the papers of visitors invited by a particular Branch will be covered in the amount of 200 zlotys for the lecture plus travel costs.
Item 3. Prof. Ossowski informed the meeting of a tendency toward reorganisation of the Sociological Section as an independent Sociological Society. The issue of consideration of the regulations of the Soc. Section was postponed until the next meeting.
Prof. Ajdukiewicz informed the meeting about the submission of letters to the 1st Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences on the accession of the Logic Section to the MUFN.
Item 4. a) Professors Ajdukiewicz and Schaff were asked, on behalf of the Board, to deal with matters associated with the preparation of the Polish delegation for the Philosophical Congress in Venice in 1958. It was established that the Board, in cooperation with the Directorate of the Philosophical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, would submit a motion regarding the composition of the Polish delegation.
b) The issue of the Polish Committee of Political Science. This issue was reported by Prof. Nowakowski. It was decided to refer the issue of delegating representatives of PPS to that Committee to the Sociological Section.
Minutes were taken by
(‒) Dr Marian Dobrosielski
Secretary, PPS
(‒) Prof. Dr Tadeusz Kotarbiński
Chairman, PPS