1. Which format does the Roman Ingarden Digital Archive (abbr. the Archive) use for dates?
The Archive's date notation format is: DD.MM.YYYY (i.e. 12.05.1938 for May 12th, 1938).
2. Which date notation formats are not used in the Archive?
The following date notation formats are not used in the Archive: the Roman numerals of months (I, II, III, …), dates with slashes (/), American date formats (month/day/year).
3. What do the tabs “Life”, “Philosophy”, and “Works” contain?
The tabs “Life”, “Philosophy”, and “Works” provide original accounts of events in Roman Witold Ingarden’s life, his research activities, and a collection of his publications.
4. What does the abbreviation “bd.” on a resource date mean?
This is an abbreviation for “brak danych”, which is Polish for “no data”. Depending on its location, the abbreviation may indicate that there is missing information concerning either the full date, or the day, month, and year.
5. Can I search for all collected resources from a given year?
Yes, you only need to enter a particular year into the search engine located on the left side of the Archive website.
6. What resources does the search engine provide when a specific name or surname is entered into it?
All the resources in which a specific surname, or full name, appears in the role of the author, recipient, or person mentioned in the content of the resource.
7. What can I find under the “Archives” tab in the menu on the left side of the website?
You can find all types of resources, which are listed according to their form (e.g. letter, postcard, conference paper) under the “Archives” tab.
8. What can I find under the “Categories” tab in the menu on the left side of the website?
You can find all resources ordered according to the thematic categories used in the Archive (e.g. Polish researchers in Roman Ingarden's correspondences) under the “Categories” tab.
9. Can I search for resources according to their authors' last names on the Archive website?
You can search for resources by the authors' surnames by choosing one of the available types of resources from the menu on the left side of the Archive page.
10. Do the search results appear on only one page?
Not always. If you have a large number of suggested resources, you can gain access to more resources by clicking on “1, 2, 3, … ” at the bottom of the screen.
11. What do the numbers from ‘10 to ‘80 on the search results page mean?
If you choose a number from the range between ‘10 and ‘80, you can view the resources of that decade of the 20th century.
12. What does the date displayed after selecting a decade mean?
Those dates are the subsequent years of a decade in which you can search for resources.
13. What does the “Clear” button on the search results page do?
The “Clear” button allows you to delete existing search terms.
14. How can I add a selected resource to the “Clipboard”?
If you want to add a selected resource to the “Clipboard”, simply click on the asterisk symbol located at the top right corner of each resource.
15. How can I delete a particular resource from the “Clipboard”?
If you want to delete a resource from the “Clipboard”, simply click again on the asterisk symbol located at the top right corner of each resource.
16. Where can I find the Polish version of the Archive website?
Please click on the PL button in the top right corner of the Archive website.
17. Where can I find the Polish version of a resource?
Please click on the PL button in the upper right corner of the resource.
18. How can I quickly return to the home page of the Archive?
Please click on Roman Ingarden's signature in the upper left corner of the Archive page.
19. Where can I find scans of a resource?
The resource’s scan appears above its title. After clicking on the first scan, you can view all the scans that refer to a given resource.
20. Can I use the functions of zoom-in and zoom-out in the resource scan?
You can freely zoom-in and zoom-out in the resource scan by using the mouse scroll wheel.
21. What does the entry “XXX” in the resource content stand for?
The entry “XXX” in the content of a resource indicates that this part of the resource was illegible at the time when the transcription was created.
22. The contents of a resource are in square brackets [...], what does that mean?
If the content of a resource is placed in square brackets [...], then that indicates a portion implicitly interpreted by the author of the transcription.
Tags on the Archive website are words or equivalent phrases marked with the number sign “#” that are located on the right-hand side of the page of each resource.
24. What are the tags on the Archive page for?
The tags on the Archive page are used as keywords, which represent important content present within a given resource. These may include: names (e.g. Adam Schaff, Ludwig Wittgenstein), places (e.g. Cracow, Göttingen, Chicago), titles (e.g. Das Literarische Kunstwerk), dates (e.g. 12.04.1958), events (e.g. the Philosophical Congress in Vienna, a reading at the Polish Philosophical Society), names of institutions (e.g. the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Polish Academy of Learning, the Library of Philosophy Classics).
25. What happens when I click on a particular tag?
When you click on a certain tag, all the resources in the Archive that contain it appear on the screen.
26. Does the search engine suggest tags related to the search term?
Tags related to a search term are displayed at the bottom of the page, under the resources directly related to the search term.
27. What does the “©” symbol on some resources mean?
The “©” symbol indicates that the copyright of a resource has not yet been regulated by the Archive Team and its publication on the Archive website has been postponed to a later time.