Letter from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 9/26/1947
Toruń, 26 September 1947
Dear Mr Roman!
I cordially thank you for your letter of 17 September and for all the news it included. Wolff’s works are in the City Library. Philosophia prima seu Ontologia Frankfurt 1736 bears the code T.4.5. The library will lend a book to Cracow on order by the Jagiellonian Library via the normal path of interlibrary exchange. Thus you’ll need to order this work through that library.
The question of Philosophical Movement is constantly on my mind. The preparations are moving forward slowly but successfully. I’ll be sincerely grateful to you for keeping in touch with Dania Gromska and for all the contributors to Movement.
As a translator from French for the library of classics, I recommend an assistant at our Seminar, Indan[O1] , who would undertake such translations and who’s asking for some indication as to the selection of the works and authors that the Library wishes to include.
As for the Polish Philosophical Society, I’ll take the additional necessary steps as soon as I receive the necessary declarations from individual centres. I thank you for the gracious information on the question of the possibility of acquiring Hume’s book; I will use it if necessary.
My wife cordially thanks you for remembering her.
We both send our warmest cordial
greetings to you and your family.
[O1]Magister [?] angielski: Indan, M.A. [master of arts], ale brzmi trochę dziwne.