Letter from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 22.03.1967
Warsaw Chocimska 35
Dear Roman,
Thank you for your letter and wishes. In return, I’m sending, on behalf of my wife and myself, best holiday wishes for both of you dear people.
I’m coming to Cracow for Ms Wójcik’s defence of her paper. I’d prefer to have a lecture and as of now I don’t have one. So far the Congress Committee hasn’t written me anything about booking a hotel, but I’m going to remind them about it.
I was surprised what you wrote about my doctorate. According to divine and human laws, it’s you who should be the promoter. I can’t imagine that retirement would interfere with that. But personally, it’s difficult for me to say anything ‒ especially since I haven’t been asked. The dean informed me, in an official but nice letter, about the approval of the Ministry, but he mentioned no ‘celebration’ or date.
You write that you’ll be in Warsaw only after 6.IV; meanwhile Ms Wojciechowska is expected on 1.IV, and on Sunday 2.IV a couple of people will come round to see us in the afternoon, so we’ve been counting on your finding an hour or so for us.
A handshake