Postcard from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 24.05.1949
Dear esteemed colleague.
I’ve checked the Polish Philosophical Society statutes: there is nothing in them that would prohibit a member of the Board from being a delegate to the General Assembly. Therefore, there is no need to convene a new Society meeting in Cracow or to conduct new elections (nota bene, I only received your note on the 23rd of this month, so not even a telegram would have helped!). I’m glad that we’ll see each other and discuss Cracow-related matters of this kind. Anyway, immediately after the Gen. Assem. I’ll be leaving for Cracow.
I attach a cordial handshake
P.S. Just now Ms Dąmbska brought your letter: in accordance with your wishes, the meeting of the Polish Philosophical Society Board will take place on 3/6 in the morning, prior to the General Assembly.
[Post card]
The Most Honourable Professor
Dr Roman Ingarden
ul. Biskupia 14.
Warsaw 25.5.49