
Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 10.07.1957

Archive Archive KUL
Date of creation 10.07.1957
Reference code in archive Rkp_1529
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type letter
Subject matter organizational issues

Rkp 1529
Cracow, 17/9/56[O1]

Dear Władysław,

                               In the enclosure I’m sending you the letter I received from Znamierowski yesterday. It turns out from the contents that it’s directed to both of us.

                Ajdukiewicz wrote me that he ordered the errors in the programme which I had reported to him to be removed. I think, then, that the matter of aesthetics with which you were concerned was successfully settled. Anyway, you’ll probably find out yourself at the University.

                                                             Cordial greetings

                                                                             /signature/ Your Roman

10 July 1957[O2]



[O1]Która data jest prawdziwa?
[O2]Która data jest prawdziwa?