Letter from Irena Krońska written in 21.07.1968
c c c Warsaw, 7/21/1968
Dear and Honorable Professor,
thank you for the letter from Rabka, which I received five days ago, for its Dasein and Sosein. I shall thank you even more explicite when I see you in Warsaw. I also have a copy of my last report for Professor, as well as a copy of the little poems that I read at a philosophical party in Lviv in a long time ago, in 1936: the former for commemoration, the latter for laughs.
c I got good news from Myzia. I would like to join her there for a bit, I could use a rest in the mountains and among my immediate family. I have only submitted the application recently, because after Myzia had left I sprained my leg and I could not walk for a week (it is fine now, though). We will see. If the outcome is positive both for me /rather uncertain/ and for Professor /rather surely so/, and for me /, we could see each other there too.
c Despite the unscheduled leave, I have a lot of work to do. Moreover, the corrections to Diogenes Laertios, which I painstakingly edited and part of which I have translated, have arrived. I will prepare the proof the same way as usual, because primo, I have already gotten used to it, and secundo, the book will be useful to all of us. But I have a formal problem related to this case that I would like Professor’s opinion on, along with opinions of prof. Kotarbiński, Ms. Iza and all members of the late Committee I am able to reach before submitting the correction, i.e. within the next two weeks. Since the Committee no longer exists, should this book /I am not referring to any future books, because I do not have formal rights to them, and here I do – as its translator and editor / include the hitherto customary imprint: Editorial Committee of the LCP – or not? The Committee has planned and prepared the book, but it will be coming out independently of the Committee, what do you think?
c Since I left Burke has been published, but without an introduction.
c I am not leaving Warsaw for now. Despite many activities related to my the desk work and my “housekeeping” /in Myzia’s terms/ I feel well and rested to a certain extent, because I do not have to wake up in the morning and see people I prefer not to see. For the first time in many years I also have some time for leisure reading. That currently includes Witkacy’s “The Only Way Out”, new stories by Hrabal and “The Past as an Object of Faith” /a v. good book, although not everyone agrees; its author wrote in my dedication “a reminder that the past should be an object of hope”/. c Three completely different items, but I feel quite good about it. I am not capable of concentrating yet.
c I hope you can publish “On cognition” before the congress. I am very curious as to what the book will look like in German, as I am very fond of it /it is still vivid in my memory/, both for its contents and for the memories connected with it and evoked by it. You will gift me a copy, won’t you?
In anticipation of a few words from you,
and hopefully an announcement of your soon visit in Warsaw
My deepest respect
and warmest greetings
I Kronska