
Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 15.02.1954

Date of creation 15.02.1954
Related places Cracow
Reference code in archive K_III-26_D_34
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type letter

Prof. Roman Ingarden                      c             c                   c         Krakow, 2/15/1954
Department: German Philosophy


   c The Editorial Committee of the LCP
   c     WARSAW


        c     I would like to inform you that Jerzy Gałecki, PhD, gave me the rest of his revision of the translation of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, so he has now completed the task entrusted to him. Hence I declare, both as the head of the department of German philosophy and as the author of the aforementioned translation, that Dr. Gałecki has performed his entire task extremely conscientiously and to the benefit of the final version of the translation of “Critique”. I believe that he may be paid the rest of the royalties he is due under the contract.

/Prof. Roman Ingarden/