
Postcard from Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz written 16.12.1936

16.XII 1936
Honoured and Dear Professor: Thank you kindly for the brochure, which gave me a great deal of pleasure.  How happy I am that Filon got punched in the face.  Maybe it will wake his followers up, or encourage greater shenanigans?  I am browsing Wittgenstein and I am going at Metalmann for his critique of Whitehead.  I sent the letter a week ago.
I enclose my words of re[spect] and aff[ection] for both of you.
F. G. [family greetings] Witkacy
I am staying here for Christmas. Will you be coming here. What about ontology. I came into contact with Gawecki.  Kotarbeusz is hopeless.  End of discussion, because there is nothing to talk about with a statue.


Dr. Roman Ingarden
Prof. U. J.K.
Zacharjewicz Street, 7 apt. 8