Letter from Karol Wojtyła written 30.03.1964
Cracow, 30 March 1964
n n n nHonoured Professor!
n You’ll permit me to join all of those who’ve taken part in Philosophical Sketches, presented to you as a gift. I’m doing this for many reasons. First and foremost because I highly value your person and position, as well as your original philosophical work. Second, because, as a young academic, I had the opportunity to come into contact with you; I regret that it was only fleetingly. I thank you as well for supervising the academic work of certain priests, especially, recently, Fr J. Tischner, PhD.
n And although the gift of the philosophers mentioned at the beginning of this letter is connected with your retirement, I nevertheless wish you many creative achievements and works to come. May God bless you. I enclose expressions of sincere respect
Karol Wojtyła