
Letter from Kazimierz Twardowski written 19.05.1924

Date of creation 19.05.1924
Related places Lviv, Toruń, Warsaw
Reference code in archive ARI
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type letter
Subject matter organizational issues
Field philosophy

In Lviv, 19 May 1924.

                       Honoured Doctor!

            Today I received both of your letters ‒ from the 15th and 16th of this month – at once. I’m not surprised that you can’t comprehend why some conditions must be fulfilled by those wishing to be permanent teachers in Lviv, and others by those in Toruń. But until a complete unification of our districts is accomplished, this kind of thing will crop up in various fields ‒ e.g. in the field of marital law – such that in Lviv one can’t obtain a divorce, while in Warsaw one can. I suppose that the information Dr Sośnicki gave you is completely accurate. Nevertheless, I’ll go ahead and find out for myself at the office of the head of the secondary education Department of the Board, Dr Janielli[O1] , as to what might be done in this situation in order for you to be able to get a position in Lviv without the loss of any of your financial or other rights. As soon as I receive the information, I’ll write. ‒ As regards the question raised in your second letter, I’ll talk to Prof. Balzer [O2] and hope that he’ll agree to the solution you’ve proposed. Therefore, please don’t decide anything until you’ve heard from me in this respect. I’ll try to send word to you as soon as possible. Perhaps, then, everything may work out to the satisfaction of both parties.

                                  I enclose cordial regards

                                                                                                    K. Twardowski



[O1]Marian Janielli (1873‒1945)
[O2]Oswald Balzer (1858‒1933)