Letter from Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz written 30.06.1937
30.VI 1937
Honoured and dear Professor:
Thank you for the card which “emanates” something that I cannot quite grasp. I release my intuition:
Hypotesis I. / just a serious lack of time and the so-called “busyness”
H.II. / Discouragement towards me because of the overly aggressive tone of my philosophical letter and because of my reducing the distance too much.
I cross out these hypotheses.
H.III / The period of completely new experiences in your life related to the so-called second youth, leading to g[reat] creativity in the sphere of ontology.
I exclude intrigues in advance. (But why do you programmatically avoid writing about Ajdukiewicz?) Kokoszyńska’s booklet about Vienna is great (the copy from Phil[osophical] Quarterly magazine, vol. 13th, pamph[lets] 1 and 2, 1937). She keeps them by the throat but does not fully throttle. Unfortunately, due to the fact that I published in Zetka on Filo’s implications ahead of you, I cannot include you in the famous “five” of primary antitfilonists (Urantifilonisten), because for me (of course) the company closes with me (Diodor Kronos, Petrus Hispanus, Prautl, Lewis and I); you have “joined” later – too bad. But in “Monist” Vol. XLI N 3 July 1937 there is an article by some Baylis (Brown University), who also quotes some prof. Nelson. They are “our people”. I’m joking. I am reading Lewis and Langford’s ‘Symbolic Logic’. Lewis [is] a wonderful guy – the only nice logistician and such a “soul mate”.
I enclose words of respect and affection. F.G. [family greetings]
n Witkacy.
Dr. Roman Ingarden
Prof. U.J.K.
Zacharjewicz Street, 7 apt. 8