Letter from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 19.10.1957
Philosophical Movement
Toruń, University
Log no. 19/RF/57
Toruń, 19 October 1957
Citizen Prof. Dr Roman Ingarden
In accordance with the resolution of the General Assembly of the Polish Philosophical Society of 3 December 1956, Philosophical Movement will begin to appear once again as the organ of the Polish Philosophical Society as of 1958 under the editorship of the undersigned; the Board of the Polish Philosophical Society constitutes the Editorial Committee. The periodical will come out as a quarterly at the end of each quarter; each issue, containing approximately 4 arkuszy[O1] , will supply current informational material, beginning with 1956.
Preparations for publication of the first issue are in progress. Apart from the usual informational features, Philosophical Movement includes, at the forefront of each issue, short articles concerning current philosophical issues. The editors would like to direct particular attention to this department, so that it becomes a topic of discussion among readers.
Here I urgently request all workers in the field of philosophy to co-operate with the publication and to send me all information about philosophical life in Poland and abroad suitable for inclusion in Philosophical Movement.
Prof. Dr Tadeusz Czeżowski
[O1]Notatka będzie potrzebna