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The Roman Ingarden Digital Archive team informs

activities carried out within its operations framework has lead them to the present works, but cannot publish them here yet because of outstanding legal matters.

The Roman Ingarden Digital Archive team is seeking people, who are inheritors of the correspondants of Roman Witold Ingarden, and requesting that they contact the team in terms of access to archival materials and the regulation of legal matters concerning copyright.

Please contact the team by email: ingarden.archive@uj.edu.pl or by calling 0048 694 963 587 or 0048 694 640 018.

The Team

Natalia Anna Michna

Doctor of philosophy. Employed as an assistant professor at the Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University. Main researcher of the research project ‘The Roman Ingarden Digital Archive’, financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland. Director of a project entitled ‘The Concept of Female Experience and the Problem of Feminist Aesthetics’, financed by the National Science Centre in Poland. Deputy editor-in-chief of the philosophical-aesthetic quarterly The Polish Journal of Aesthetics. Research interests concern philosophy, feminist art, and the aesthetics and philosophy of Roman Ingarden. Recently has published a book on feminist aesthetics and women’s aesthetic experiences. In private life, loves cats, good food, and cooking. Favourite forms of relaxation include home gardening and travelling around the world.

Leszek Sosnowski

Professor and (habilitated) doctor conducting scientific and didactic activity at the Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University. Director of the research project ‘The Roman Ingarden Digital Archive’, financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland. Founder and editor-in-chief of the philosophical-aesthetic quarterly The Polish Journal of Aesthetics. Co-author of The Dictionary of the Philosophical Concepts of Roman Ingarden (2001), which he intends to translate into English. In private life, reads and constantly searches for new academic (and other) inspiration. Likes French red wine, dark chocolate, and fresh-air activities.

Dominika Czakon

Doctor of philosophy. Employed as an assistant professor at the Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University. Main researcher of the research project ‘The Roman Ingarden Digital Archive’, financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland. Deputy editor-in-chief of the philosophical-aesthetical quarterly The Polish Journal of Aesthetics. Research activities deal with aesthetics, hermeneutics, and the philosophy of Roman Ingarden. Preparing to publish a book on the hermeneutic interpretation of contemporary art, based on a proposition of H.-G. Gadamer. Divides free time between family and friends, reading classic and fantasy literature, photography, walks with her dog, and travelling whenever possible.


Bolesław Dziedzic

a student of sociology at the AGH University of Science and Technology. He habitually watches movies, visits photography exhibitions and reads Focault.

Aleksander Turlej

a student of Electronic Information Processing at the Jagiellonian University, who works on computer graphics on a daily basis. In his spare time away from work, he enjoys cycling and listening to classical music from the turn of the 20th century.

Mark Rudnicki

Associate Professor in the English Department at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, USA.  He received an M.A. degree in Philosophy from the University of Memphis and a Ph.D. in comparative literature from SUNY Buffalo.  He was also the recipient of the Kosciuszko Fellowship to study at the Jagiellonian University Polish Philology Department.  His primary area of scholarly interest is in examining the intersections between philosophy and literature, particularly in writers and thinkers from the nineteenth to mid-twentieth century. He has presented at conferences on various topics including Witkacy, Gombrowicz, Schulz, Nietzsche, and Schopenhauer, and he has co-edited a collection of essays for an issue of the The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, entitled Witkacy in English. In his personal life, he enjoys spending time with his family and playing drums in his band. Translated: Witkacy’s letters.

Richard Erickson

is a free-lance translator and editor who has worked on a wide variety of projects. A native New Yorker, he has lived in the Kraków area since 2001. His interests include literature, music, and sports. He especially enjoys travelling in Europe and leisure time spent in Kraków. Translated letters of: Izydora Dąmbska, Zofia Lissa, Irena Sławińska, Daniela Gromska, Janina Makota, Maria Gołaszewska, Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, Tadeusz Kotarbiński, Zygmunt Czerny, Władysław Tatarkiewicz, Manfred Kridl, Tadeusz Czeżowski, Kazimierz Twardowski, Wacław Borowy.

Klaudia Adamowicz

graduate of Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations and Culture Management, PhD student at the Department of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, fellow of Japan Foundation in Kansai Language Institute in Osaka and Nippon Foundation/ Stanford University in Inter-University Japanese Language Center in Yokohama. Currently working on her doctoral dissertation about the transculturality of Japanese Harajuku subcultures. Her academic intrests include Japanese popculture and everyday life, transculturality, postmodernist anthropology. In private life vegan, introvert and aesthete. Loves Lolita Fashion, vampires, fairy tales, symphonic metal, animals, ballet and peanuts butter.

Piotr Leśniak

an aficionado of all literature. As part of his professional duties, he cocreates the portal roma-nonpertutti.com and writes texts for the Academic Sports Association (AZS) of the Krakow University of Economics. In his spare time he writes a story or script every now and then.

Steffen Huber

Faculty Member, born 1970 in Germany, studied philosophy and languages at the University of Vienna. He holds a PhD from the Jagiellonian University, Cracow (2003). Research on Early Modern philosophy in Poland. Translations of philosophical and literary works. Last books: Einführung in die Geschichte der polnischen Sozialphilosophie. Ausgewählte Probleme aus sechs Jahrhunderten, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2014; Polifonia tradycji. Filozofia praktyczna i teoretyczna Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, Warszawa: Wydział Artes Liberales UW / Sub Lupa 2014. Translation from Polish into German: Józef Tischner, Der Streit um die menschliche Existenz (original title: Spór o istnienie człowieka), Berlin: Insel 2010. Translated: Edmund Husserl’s letters.

Mateusz Turlej

a graduate of Management in Culture at the Jagiellonian University. One of the founders of the DJ collective “Techno Hand” (pol. Techno Rączka). An organizer of popular music events in Krakow.

Gabriela Matusiak

PhD student at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University. A graduate of cultural studies at the Institute of Oriental Philology, the Institute of Cultural Studies and the KPSC at the Jagiellonian University. A postgraduate of studies in culture management at the Institute of Culture of the Jagiellonian University. Momoyama Gakuin Daigaku and Kōbe Daigaku in Japan scholarship holder. Her scientific interests and numerous publications focus on the culture and erotic art of ancient and modern Japan. Sometimes she takes a cup of tea according to the rules of the Japanese tea school ceremony Urasenke, but he still prefers Lipton tea. She enjoyes watching films, taking photos, and eating Hungarian and Japanese food.

Anna Maślanka

Bohemist and clinical engineer by education, translator and a passionate critic of literature. Laureate of the Susanna Roth Translation Competition for young translators from the Czech language (2017). She runs a blog ‘Literary Treasures of the Whole World’.

Łukasz Grzesiczak

Journalist, graduate of philosophy of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, PhD student in the field of political science at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the Pedagogical University of Kraków. Currenty working on contemporary Polish-Czech relations.

Maciej Aleksander Kalina

Student of the Jagiellonian University with a passion for politics and discussion. Born in Sydney, Australia and raised near Chicago, Illinois. Came back to his family home in Krakow to study and work.

Sonia Kamińska

I am a philosopher and translator, based in Kraków, Poland, currently working at the Jagiellonian University, Institute of Philosophy.
BIO: 2016-2019 adjunct, Jagiellonian University, on-going project: Mystical and rational interpretations of Aristotle’s psychology and especially his nous poietikos, financed by National Science Centre, Poland (NCN).
2014-2016 adjunct, University of Szczecin, project: Is mind in the head? Two philosophies of mind and two accounts of immortality in the philosophy of Franz Brentano, financed by National Science Centre, Poland (NCN).
Translated books: Franz Brentano, Aristotle and his world-view, trans. from German into Polish. Franz Brentano, Aristotle’s theory on the origin of human soul, trans. from German into Polish.
Interests: German literature, Vienna Secession, music, Lower Silesia (Wałbrzych & Sokołowsko). Translated: Ingarden’s lectures.

Stephanie Matard

She is from the United States and grew up in Ohio. Today she is a French-American and is a freelance French to English translator & interpreter. Stephanie excelled at English in her early studies and then went on to study English and Dramatic Arts in San Diego. In 2008 she was hired by A.C.L.E. in Italy to teach children English through Theater. While there, she met her future husband who is French. Today, Stephanie has lived in France for over 10 years and she loves helping others achieve their communication goals. Stephanie is also an English speaking voice over actress with her own studio. When she isn’t working, she loves to paint, draw, read, travel, or create large French dinner parties for her family and friends.

Jadwiga Kita-Huber

Associate Professor at the Department of Modern German Literature, Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Her main areas of research are literature and culture of the ‘threshold period’ between 1780 and 1830, the contemporary german speaking literature, as well as comparative literature and literary translation. She has published widely on poetics and aesthetics, religion and literature, especially on  the mutual relationships between literarure and the Bible /Biblical criticism, poetics of translation. Her recent publications (books): Jean Paul und das Buch der Bücher. Zur Poetisierung biblischer Metaphern, Texte und Konzepte (Olms 2015), Autobiografie intermedial, with Kalina Kupczynska (aisthesis 2018, forthcoming). Translated: Edmund Husserl’s letters.

Katarzyna Czakon

A therapeutic masseuse by profession, and an independent artist in her heart. Her interests concern the development of self-awareness and spiritual life. She is constantly looking for harmony between these both spheres. In her free time, she creates embroidered paintings, takes photographs and hikes in the mountains.

Aleksandra Chruścicka

Graduated from Architectural Studies at Politechnika Krakowska, currently studying Graphic Arts at Academy of Art in Krakow. Interested in graphic design, experimental music and travelling.