scientific work

scientific work

Lecture of Roman Ingarden on Husserl’s seminar 26.10.1913

Attachement to the letter to Henryk Markiewicz written 16.03.1964

Lecture of Roman Ingarden on 14th International Congress of Philosophy 02.09.1968 – 09.09.1968

Lecture of Roman Ingarden in Oxford nd.nd.1962

Lecture of Roman Ingarden on the meeting of Lviv Scientific Society 15.06.1939

Lecture of Roman Ingarden in Brussels nd.nd.1947

Paper by Janina Makota presented 18.06.1956

Article of Wacław Borowy in “The Warsaw Review”? from 12.05.1925

Stefan BALEY. CREATIVE PERSONALITY OF ŻEROMSKI. Study in the field of psychology of creativity.

Article of Wacław Borowy in “The Warsaw Review”? from 2.05.1925