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Letter from Ksawery Piwocki written 11.11.1964

Committee of Art Sciences
at Faculty I of the PAS                              c                        c                       Warsaw, 11/11/1964


Honorable Professor,

     v        In connection with the program of the meetings for 1964/65 being established, the Committee of Art Sciences would like to kindly  ask whether you would like to present your graciously submitted paper “The issue of the coexistence of aesthetically valuable qualities in a work of art” at a plenary session which will take place in February 1965.

     v        In addition to Professor’s lecture at this meeting, a lecture by Professor Zofia Lissa titled “Quotations in music” has been planned.

     v        Once again, thank you for submitting a topic of such great interest to us, the Committee kindly asks for an answer that will allow us to finally determine the work program.


     v          V-Chairman
of the Committee of Art Sciences
    v  /Prof. Ksawery Piwocki/