Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 08.07.1923
Toruń 8/7/1923
Mickiewicza 115.
Most Honourable Professor!
A week ago I finally got off the whole school treadmill (klasyfije[O1] , about 40 matura[O2] exams, oral matura exams, etc.) and applied myself to my own work again. At present I’m typing out my paper; so far I’ve transcribed 30 folio pages on the typewriter. About 120 pages remain to be typed. I’m typing on the school’s machine in the Secretariat, so I can only do it in the afternoon, as a result of which it’s going quite slowly, especially since I hadn’t typed for several years and had fallen badly out of practice. But now the past few days it’s been going a bit better, so that I suppose that the whole thing will go faster in future. Meanwhile, in the morning hours, I’m still finishing the text of my dissertation. I expect that by the end of July I’ll have done everything; I want that very badly, because I’d like to rest for two weeks.
I assume that the summary of my lecture for the Congress, which I sent a few days prior to the prescribed deadline, arrived safely in Lviv. I don’t know, though, whether this summary is comprehensible, since, due to its compact length, I had to give just the skeleton of my reasoning, which must have affected its intelligibility.
I’d be very grateful if you’d be so gracious as to let me know in a few words whether the Ministry has arranged the issue of nostrification of my doctorate yet. This is important to me because in the immediate future I’ll have to file ‒ with the law on teachers’ qualifications in mind ‒ an application for recognition by the school authorities of my diploma as the equivalent of an examined teacher’s diploma. If the matter hasn’t yet been arranged at the Ministry, I’ll have to attach a copy to the application with the notation that the diploma is in Lviv and is in the process of being nostrified.
I’ll probably spend the whole summer holiday in Toruń, because I’ve neither time nor money for a trip, so that my address throughout the summer will be the same as usual. I’d like to ask you to graciously let me know whether I’m supposed to send you my paper immediately upon completing it, or wait until the new school year begins, as well as where I should send it when the time comes.
I enclose expressions of profound esteem and send wishes for a pleasant summer holiday
Roman Ingarden
[O1]Tak w oryginalnym; nie wiem co ma znaczyć; może I corrected about 40 matura exams … [???]
[O2]Należy dodać notatek