Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 06.02.1967
Roman Ingarden
Cracow, Biskupia 14
Cracow, 6 February 1967
Dear Władysław,
after seeing you I wrote to Julius Ebbinghaus, whom I sat next to at a meeting of the Comité Permanent des Congrés International d’Esthétique[O1] in August 1937, with a request that he would confirm that we were together at this meeting. Well, today I received a letter from him confirming not only this meeting, but also my selection as a member of the Committee. He also sent me photocopies of my selection and of a list of Committee members. I intend to write to Souriau about this, sending him Ebbinghaus’s statement. I just have to wait until someone improves my French.
Maybe you are curious about the composition of the Committee. As I told you, Souriau was not a member, thus the Committee he has assembled is completely self-appointed.
The following individuals belonged to the Committee:[O2]
Allemagne [Germany]: A. Brunkman[O3] , Max Dessoir, J. Ebbinghaus
Autriche [Austria]: Sauter[O4] , Em[O5] , Reich
Belgique [Belgium]: Paul Fierens, De Bruyne, Lameere
Espagne [Spain]: Bergamin, Mirabent, Xirau Palau
États-Unis [United States]: George Boas, J. Dewey, Gatz
Finlande [Finland]: Laurila[O6]
France: Basch, Lalo, Bayer
Grand-Bretagne [Great Britain]: Listowel, Montgomery Belgion, Santayana
Hollandie [The Netherlands]: Bartling, Piccardt[O7]
Hongrie [Hungary]: Baumgarten, de Brandenstein
Italie [Italy]: Croce, Lionello Venturi
Perou [Peru]: Deustua
Pologne [Poland]: Roman Ingarden, Tatarkiewicz
Roumanie [Romania]: Petreanu[O8] , Sperantia, Vianu
Tchécoslovaquie [Czechoslovakia]: Mukařovský[O9] , Utitz
Ebbinghaus’s nomination is formulated the same as mine, that is, without the name in the text. The list of members and the nomination is in the photocopy.
Another[O10] matter: Ms. Wójcik’s master’s exam and defence are coming up; there’s a proposal by the Dean’s Office for the exam to take place on 8 March and the defence on 9 March. Would these dates suit you? Please reply. I’d like to give the Dean an answer. Perhaps you could make use of this occasion to give a lecture of some kind at the Philosophical Soc.?
18 February is the meeting of the General Board of the Polish Philosophical Society. Maybe, if I manage to make the trip, we’ll see each other then.
For now, cordial greetings and regards
[O1]Błędna ortografia w oryginalnej wersji – Internationax
[O2]niektóre nazwiska niepoprawnie pisane w oryginalniej wersji, inne nie mogły być sprawdzone
[O4]oryg. Saueter
[O6]oryg. Laurilla
[O8]oryg. Petranu
[O9]oryg. Mukařowsky
[O10]oryg. Driga zamiast Druga