Postcard from Edmund Husserl written 16.02.1931
Freiburg i.Br., 16.II.1931
Dear Friend,
I would like to express our deepest congratulations! So, it is about to happen in the most wonderful way, and the big turn of events in your life is imminent. How nice that you can look back on the hard, lean years (almost 2 x 7 “lean” years!) with satisfaction. Your being is firmly established, and you have no idea how much you have to look forward to at your age – if you are somebody. At your age, I was still a primitive beginner. However, you must stay healthy. There is no time left to “lie in bed”, otherwise it would be as Goethe said: “If it were to rain porridge they haven’t even got a spoon.” I am working ardently. Unfortunately, the new work will not be finished in time for the Yearbook XI despite my breathless efforts of the entire last year, which, thank God, brought me inner clarity and self-affirmation, but also a good number of necessary edits and detailed definitions, etc. I will include the Cart[esian] Med[itations] in the Yearbook (expanded by Dr. Fink and perhaps by me) and the Bernau Time Investigations, which Fink explained in writing (quite extensive).52 Many greetings and congratulations from our house to yours!
Yours, E. Husserl