
Application for the appointment as professor written 31.05.1932

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Date of creation 31.05.1932
Related places Lviv, Warsaw
Reference code in archive n.d.
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type document
Field philosophy
Tags #Adolf Reinach, #aesthetics, #application, #appointment, #associate professorship, #Badania marburskie nad obrazami eidetycznymi, #Bemerkungen zum Problem Idealismus-Realismus, #chair of philosophy, #Commemorative Book, #Commemorative book of Middle School no. 2 in Lviv, #Council of the Department, #Czy i jak można wykazać obiektywność spostrzeżenia zewnętrznego, #Das literarische Kunstwerk, #Dążenia fenomenologów, #Department of Humanities, #Deutsche Literaturzeitung, #Deutsche Vierteljahrschrift zur Literaturwissenschaft u. Geistesgeschichte, #difficult conditions, #Edmund Husserl, #ein Beitrag zur Prinzipienfrage der Erkenntnistheorie, #enthusiastic reviews, #Essentiale Fragen Ein Beitrag zum Problem des Wesens, #Festschrift zum 70-sten Geburtstag Edmund Husserls, #George Berkeley, #Gesammelte Schriften, #Humanist Review, #Husserlowska nauka o akcie, #Husserls Lehre vom Akt, #Idealizm transcendentalny E. Husserla, #Ingagrden's appointment, #Inhalt und Gegenstand der Vorstellungen Leopald Blaustein, #Intuition und Intellekt bei Henri Bergson. Darstellung und Versuch einer Kritik, #Intuizjonizm Bergsona, #Jadwiga Marcinowska, #Jagiellonian University, #Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung, #Jan Kazimierz University, #Kazimierz Twardowski, #Kazimierz Twardowski’s 25 years of academic service, #Leopold Blaustein, #list of works, #Literary News, #logical semantics, #Logische Untersuchungen, #Lviv, #Max Niemyer, #Max Scheler, #methodology, #middle school in Toruń, #Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Education, #nation, #Niektóre założenia idealizmu Berkeleya, #O jasnym i niejasnym stylu filozoficznym, #O klasyfikacji, #O nazwach i słówkach funkcyjnych, #O potrzebie tłumaczeń dzieł filozoficznych autorów obcych, #O pytaniach esencjalnych, #O współpracy szkoły i społeczeństwa, #O zjawisku tragiczności, #outstanding academic worker, #philosophical culture, #Philosophical Movement, #Philosophical Quarterly, #Philosophical Review, #Philosophische Jahrbuch der Göwes-Gesselschaft, #philosophy, #Polish Philosophical Society in Lviv, #Polish science in the West, #Polish Word, #Polskie czasopisma filozoficzne, #Psycho-fizjologiczna teoria poznania i jej krytyka, #reniwing credit, #report, #request, #retirement, #review, #Roman Ingarden, #Scientific Society in Lviv, #Slavische Rundschau, #special task, #Spór o istotę filozofii, #Stanowisko teorii poznania w systemie nauk filozoficznych, #suspended credit, #translation, #treści i przedmiocie przedstawienia Blausteina, #Über die Gefahr einer Petitio Principii in der Erkenntnistheorie, #Über die Stellung der Erkenntnistheorie im System der Philospohie, #Uwagi do Krótkiej rozprawy, #vacancy, #Verbum finitum a zdanie, #W sprawie istoty doświadczenia wewnętrznego, #Warsaw, #Warsaw Review, #Wartości twórcze religijnej myśli polskiej, #Wielość rzeczywistości Leona Chwistka, #Witold Rubczyński, #wspomnienie pośmiertne, #Zagadnienia tkwiące w problemacie idealizmu i realizmu, #Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, #Zygmunt? Mysłakowski

DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES                   C           In Lviv, 31 May 1932.

No. 416.         C           C           C           C                    C  To

       C      in Warsaw.


     C      The Council of the Department of Humanities of U.J.K. [Uniwersytet Jana Kazimierza, Jan Kazimierz University] in Lviv turned, upon the retirement of Prof. Kazimierz Twardowski, to the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Education with a proposal dated 11 February 1931 for the approval of the President of the Republic of the appointment of Dr Roman Ingarden as associate professor of philosophy. This proposal did not meet with a favourable settlement; what is more, the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Education communicated, via a telephonogram dated 30 June 1931, no. IV.SW-4889/31, to Rector of Jan Kazimierz University that credit for the chair vacated by Prof. Twardowski had been suspended.
     C      As a result of its sincere concern for a fruitful course of study at the Department of Humanities of Jan Kazimierz University, the Department Council is now requesting the restoration of the suspended credit allocated for the chair of philosophy and renewing its proposal for the nomination of Dr Ingarden as associate professor of philosophy.
     C      The Department Council takes the liberty here of drawing attention to the special task that the chairs of philosophy should fulfil. These chairs, apart from preparation of the group of students specialising in philosophy, should provide students of the Department of Humanities with a general introduction to philosophical culture, acquaintance with which is essential to all students of humanities, regardless of whether they devote themselves to the study of literature, art history, linguistics, or history. Acquaintance with the philosophical trends of past and present times is necessary to understand cultural trends expressed in literature, as well as the idea XXX XXX XXX. The study of art history as well as of literature demands in-depth knowledge of philosophical aesthetics. Linguistic research should be supplemented by logical semantics. The principles of general methodology should not be alien to any student. The range of impact of philosophical chairs should extend equally to other Departments of the University. Philosophical enrichment of physics, the biological sciences, and mathematics would seem to be a desirable thing in all respects. Familiarisation of all students with philosophical culture is – especially at the present time, a time of breakthrough in which, in almost all areas of life and science, changes are taking place concerning the fundamentals – a matter of particular importance.
     C      This duality of general and special tasks imposes more numerous and more diverse duties on professors of philosophy than on professors of many other subjects, which becomes even clearer when one considers the great diversity of the specialties pertaining to philosophy. Genuine specialised competence in all fields of philosophy is no longer possible today in a single individual. Such philosophical sciences as logic, the history of philosophy, and aesthetics each require not only erudition that would nearly exhaust the strength of one individual but also completely different types of mental abilities which rarely go hand in hand, as well as, finally, knowledge of other completely auxiliary sciences. Clearly, then, fulfilment of all of the tasks that should be fulfilled by departments of philosophy by one or even two professors would surpass their strength and lead necessarily to their imbalanced fulfilment.
     C      The candidate for the chair vacated by Prof. Twardowski proposed by the Council of the Humanities Department is an outstanding academic worker who has been zealously fulfilling his duties as a docent of philosophy at Jan Kazimierz University for seven years and has developed extensive scientific activity which has earned a serious name among professional critics in Poland and abroad, and thus contributed to enhancing the reputation of Polish science in the West. Docent Ingarden’s academic qualifications were discussed extensively in the paper sent with the first nomination application. Currently, to supplement this paper, it should be added that Dr Ingarden’s latest extensive paper, entitled Das literarische Kunstwerk [German: The Literary Work of Art], is the subject of eight extensive reviews and critical studies which evaluated this work seriously and sometimes enthusiastically. (3 reviews in Polish: Humanist Review, Year V, issues 4 and 5; Literary News, Year IX, no. 9; Philosophical Quarterly, Year X, no. 1; 4 reviews in German: German Literary News 1931, issue 34; German Quarterly Journal of Literary and Spiritual History, vol. 10, issue 1; Philos. Yearbook of the Göwes Society, Vol. 45, issue 2; Journal of Aesthetics and General Art Studies, Vol. XXV, issue 4; 1 review in English: Mind, January 1932). This outstanding scholar is currently overburdened in middle school, where not even a reduction in hours was granted by the authorities, with excessive work; given this opportunity, the Department Council permits itself the observation that the continued stay of Docent Ingarden in middle school is not an economic use of forces favouring the good of Polish culture.
     C      Directed by the motives mentioned above, the Council of the Department of Humanities asks for restitution of the suspended credit for the chair of philosophy vacated by Prof. Twardowski, in the belief that the same considerations that inclined the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Education to withhold loans for the chair of philosophy vacated by Prof. Rubczyński at the Department of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University speak in favour of leaving the three departments of philosophy at the University of Lviv intact. At the same time, it asks, in the event of the reactivation of this chair, the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Education to agree to the nomination of Docent Dr Roman Ingarden as associate professor of the Department of Humanities of Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv in accordance with the proposal of 11 February 1931.

From the Council of the Department of Humanities, Jan Kazimierz University
Dean, Dept. of Hum.


1) Dr Roman Ingarden.

2) philosophy

3) date of birth 5 February 1893; habilitated June 1924.

4) full-time teacher in state middle school no. 2 in Lviv.

5) List of papers published prior to habilitation:

a) Books and dissertations: Dążenia fenomenologów [The aspirations of the phenomenologists], Rev., vol. XXII, issues 3 and 4, Warsaw 1920–21, format: 25 × 17, 76 pages.

b) Über die Gefahr einer Petitio Principii in der Erkenntnistheorie. Ein Beitrag zur Prinzipienfrage der Erkenntnistheorie [German: On the danger of a petitio principii {Latin: begging the question} in cognition theory], Yearbook of Philosophy, vol. IV, Halle, 1921, 26 × 18, 24 pages (also in an individual offprint).

c) Intuition und Intellekt bei Henri Bergson, Darstellung und Versuch einer Kritik [German: Intuition and intellect according to Henri Bergson: A representation and attempt at a critique], Philos., vol. V, Halle, 1922, 26 × 18, 177 pages (also in an individual offprint).

d) O pytaniach essencjalnych [Essential questions]. of the Scientific Soc. in Lviv, Lviv, 23 × 16, 16 pages.

e) Essentiale Fragen. Ein Beitrag zum Problem des Wesens [German: Essential questions: A contribution on the problem of essence], Philos., vol. VII, Halle, 1925, 26 × 18, 180 pages (also in an individual offprint).

f) Academic articles: ‘O jasnym i niejasnym stylu filozoficznym’ [On clear and unclear philosophical style], Philosophical Mov., vol. V, Lviv, 1919, 25 × 17, 4 pages.

g) ‘O potrzebie tłumaczeń dzieł filozoficznych autorów obcych’ [On the need for translations of philosophical works by foreign authors], Nation, Warsaw, 1921, approximately 4 octavo pages.

h) ‘Wielość rzeczywistości Leona Chwistka’ [Leon Chwistek’s Plurality of Realities], Rev., vol. XXV, Warsaw, 1922, 25 × 17, 18 pages.

i) ‘Max Scheler’, Warsaw Review, vol. IV, issue 13, Warsaw, 1922, 24 × 16, 27 pages.

j) ‘Spór o istotę filozfji’ [The controversy over the essence of philosophy], ibid., issue 14, Warsaw, 1922, 26 × 16, 12 pages.

k) ‘W sprawie istoty doświadczenia wewnętrznego’ [On the issue of the essence of internal experience], Rev., vol. XVIII, Warsaw, 1915, 25 × 17, 7 pages.

l) ‘Uwagi do „Krótkiej rozprawy”’ [Remarks on A brief dissertation], Rev., vol. XXVI, Warsaw, 1923, 15 × 17, 5 pages.

m) Reviews: Logische Untersuchungen [German: Logical investigations] by Husserl, second edition, Phil. Rev., vol. XVIII, Warsaw, 1915, 25 × 17, 7 pages.

n) ‘Jahrbuch f. Philosophie’ [German: Yearbook of philosophy], vol. III, Movement, vol. V, Lviv, 1920, 25 × 17, 4 pages.

o) ‘Gesammelte Schriften of A. Reinach’ [Collected writings of Reinach], Phil. Movement, vol. VI, Lviv, 1922, 25 × 17, 2 pages.

p) ‘Wartości twórcze religijnej myśli polskiej’, Marcinowska’ [‘Creative religious values in Polish thought’, by J. Marcinowska], Warsaw Rev., Warsaw, 1923, 24 × 16, 4 pages.

r) ‘Wielość rzeczywistości. L. Chwistka.’ [L. Chwistek’s Plurality of Realities], Movement, vol. VII, Lviv, 1923, 25 × 17, 3 pages.

s) ‘Commemorative Book celebrating Kazimierz Twardowski’s 25 years of academic service in the chair of philosophy at Lviv University’, Warsaw Rev., no. 30, Warsaw, 1923, 24 × 16, 14 pages.

t) ‘Polskie Czasopisma Filozoficzne’ [Polish philosophical journals], Warsaw Rev., nos. 43, 44, Warsaw, 1924, 24 × 16, 11 pages.

u) Translations: ‘O zjawisku tragiczności Maxa Schelera’ [On the phenomenon of tragedy by Max Scheler], Warsaw Rev., issue 13, Warsaw, 1922, 24 × 16, 21 pages.

Total for habilitation: 20 items, 621 pages.

6) List of papers published after habilitation:

a) Books and dissertations: Stanowisko teorji poznania w systemie nauk filozoficznych [The position of the theory of cognition in the system of philosophical sciences]. Reports of the State Middle School in Toruń, 1925, 28.5 × 22, 10 pages, also in an individual offprint.

b) Über die Stellung der Erkenntnistheorie im System der Philosophie [German: The position of the theory of cognition in the system of philosophical sciences], Halle, 1925, Max Niemeyer, 22 × 14, 36 pages.

c) Bemerkungen zum Problem „Idealismus-Realismus” [German: Comments on the problem of ‘idealism-realism’], Commemorative book for Edmund Husserl’s 70th birthday, Halle, 1929, 25 × 17, 32 pages.

d) Psycho-fizjologiczna teorja poznania i jej krytyka [The psycho-physiological theory of cognition and a critique thereof]. Commemorative book of Middle School no. 2 in Lviv. Lviv, 1930, 24 × 17, 41 pages, also in an individual offprint.

e) Das literarische Kunstwerk, Eine Untersuchung aud dem Ganzgebiet der Ontologie, Logik und Literaturwissenschaft [German: The literary work of art: An investigation on the borderline of ontology, logic, and literary studies], Halle, 1931, Max Niemeyer, 23, 5 × 15, XIV and 389 pages.

f) Niektóre założenia idealizmu Berkeleya [Some assumptions of Berkeley’s idealism], Commemorative Book of the Polish Philos. Soc. in Lviv, Lviv, 1931, 24, 5 × 16, 5, 44 pages, also in an individual offprint.

g) Academic articles: ‘O współpracy szkoły i społeczeństwa’ [On the co-operation of schools and society], four articles, Polish Word, Lviv, 1925, approximately 16 pages.

h) ‘Max Scheler, wspomnienie pośmiertne’ [Max Scheler, an obituary], Polish Word, Lviv, 1928, approximately 4 pages.

i) ‘Max Scheler /29.VIII.1874.-19.V.1928/’ [Max Scheler (29 August 1874–19 May 1928)], Rev., vol. XXXI, Warsaw, 1928, 25 × 17, 9 pages.

j) Reviews: ‘„Intuicjonizm Bergsona” Zygmunta Mysłakowskiego’ [Zygmunt Mysłakowski’s ‘Bergson’s Intuition’], Movement, vol. X, Lviv, 1928, 3 pages, format: 25 × 17.

k) ‘Husserls Lehre vom Akt, Inhalt und Gegenstand der Vorstellungen Leopald Blaustein’ [German: Husserl’s theory of the act, content, and object of presentation, Leopold Blaustein], Slavic Review, Prague, 1929, 2 pages, format 24.5 × 17.

l) ‘Husserlowska nauka o akcie, treści i przedmiocie przedstawienia Blausteina’ [Husserl’s theory of the act, content, and object of presentation by Blaustein], Rev., vol. XXXII, Warsaw, 1929, 2 pages, format 25 × 17.

m) Summary of academic lectures: ‘Czy i jak można wykazać objektywność spostrzeżenia zewnętrznego?’ [Can the objectivity of external observation be demonstrated, and if so, how?], Report on the First Polish Philosophical Congress in Lviv, Warsaw, 1928, 25 × 17, 3 pages.

n) ‘O klasyfikacji’ [On classification]. Lecture at the Polish Philos. Soc. in Lviv, Philosophical Movement, vol. IX, Lviv, 1925.

o) ‘Badania marburskie nad obrazami eidetycznymi’ [Marburgian research on eidetic images]. Lecture at the Polish Philos. Soc. in Lviv, Philosophical Movement, vol. XI, Lviv, 1928/29.

p) ‘Idealizm transcendentalny E. Husserla’ [The transcendental idealism of E. Husserl]. Lecture at the Polish Philos. Soc. in Lviv, Philosophical Movement, vol. XI, Lviv, 1928/29.

r) ‘Zagadnienia tkwiące w problemacie idealizmu i realizmu’ [Issues inherent in the problem of idealism and realism]. Lecture at the Polish Philos. Soc. in Lviv, Philosophical Movement, vol. XI, Lviv, 1928/29.

s) ‘O nazwach i słówkach funkcyjnych’ Lectures at the Polish Philos. Soc. in Lviv delivered in 1929;

[On functional names and words]            summaries, sent to press in 1930, have not yet appeared

t) ‘Verbum finitum a zdanie’ due to the illness of the editor of Philosophical Movement.

[The finite verb vs the sentence]

Total following habilitation: 19 papers, 611 pages.
Dr Roman Infeld      [seal]