Letter from Kazimierz Wyka written 23.07.1962
n Most Honoured Professor,
n Your letter, which I’m answering immediately in the sequence of the matters raised therein, was sent to me from Warsaw. We’re trying to obtain a certain number of complete volumes of conference reports for 1960 for Polish speakers. If we obtain these volumes, your wish will be fulfilled forthwith.
n The conference in Jabłonna in 1961. In the absence of Prof. Mayenowa (who for many months has been in the USA) it is rather difficult to answer the question of why you haven’t found yourself on the list of participants. Certainly there was no desire to omit you or to dispose of an uncomfortable academic opponent. The meeting in Jabłonna was attended by a much smaller group than the 1960 conference – I can’t say much more, especially since, due to illness, I was absent from the second day on.
n Thank you very much for your favourable position regarding the international organisation in the field of Poetics. I can’t say much at present about its future character. We’ll try to make use of the suggestion to establish contact with the Aesthetic Section of the P.F.F. in future.
n Statistical methods in poetics? Should I say what I personally think about this? Perhaps it’s because, when it comes to mathematics, I’ve always been xxxx and have always remained a typical humanist dunce. Well, I believe that they’ll be capable of exhausting the area of Poetics when the study of parallels, meridians, and tropics exhausts the area of geography. It seems to me that I’ve stated this clearly, if metaphorically.
n Please accept my best wishes and expressions of profound esteem
n n n n Kazimierz Wyka