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Letter from Bogdan Suchodolski written in n.d.

v             Dear Roman,

forgive me for disturbing you again, but I’ve received news that Prof. Krzyżanowski is taking the entire wagon of books and that he’ll be able to take mine as well. This would be very convenient. Because I’m afraid that Mr Marczyński will cause some difficulties, I communicated today with Mr Sznajer, who transported my books along with your son. He told me that a list of them had been drawn up and that this list was in one of my cabinets. Thus perhaps your assistant will be so good as to catch Prof. Krzyżanowski somewhere (I don’t know his address, but the people in Polish Studies will know) and inform him about the existence of this list, if necessary.

Cordial greetings
v             Bogdan

P.S. If the transport doesn’t come off, I’d like this list to find itself either in your hands, or those of Mr Piotr Grzegorczyk, my friend, who evidently works in B. Jag. [Biblioteka Jagiellońska; Jagiellonian Library], but in any case not in the hands of Mr Marczyński.